11 ~ Dating the brother

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It's been a few weeks since I've been with Alex just casually going on dates and hanging out.

I haven't heard from Cleo lately. She's starting to act differently it could be because of her boyfriend but it's making me feel uneasy.

I've decided to go visit her but since I can't afford a car Alex gives me a ride to her place.

"Are you sure you can't come tonight?" He asks after parking.

I smile and kiss his cheek "sorry it's girls day."

He pouts a little but gives me a peck on the lips "fine I guess I'll manage by myself."

I flash him a smile while getting out of the car "tell your brother I said hi."

As I walk through Cleo's house I notice the smell of something alcohol.

My first thought is that Cleo is drinking but my thoughts go stop when Nate walks into the living room where I'm standing. In his hand is a beer.

He sits on the couch looking drunk and tired "What are you doing here?" He asks as he finished his beer.

I look around a little suddenly feeling very uncomfortable "well Cleo invited me we were just gonna hang out."

I can notice that his face expression changes into a scowl mumbling something under his breath.

As soon as he notices that I'm watching him he masks his face "No problem I was just leaving."

While he gets up and puts his coat on Cleo walks in.

Perfect timing.

"Oh hey I didn't expect you here so soon" she speaks at me sounding desperate like she wants me to do something.

I smile a little "I thought it would be nice to have a girls day" I eye Nate a little trying to better read his face.

Nate smiles and walks over to Cleo "It's alright babe I was just leaving have fun" before he leaves he whispers something into her ear.

I can't hear what he said but I swear I saw Cleo tense.

I need to know what is going on.


Cleo giggles as we watch her favorite comedy on netflix. We are cuddled up in blankets on the bed keeping warm.

I put some popcorn in my mouth as she continues to laugh at some of the stupidest jokes.

I don't get it but it's nice to see her laughing.

My phone buzzed a little as I glance at it I see two texts from Alex.

'I miss you'

'Date tomorrow night?'

That brings a smile to my lips.

Almost like voodoo Cleo looks over at my phone then at me with a little frown.

"Are you seeing Alex?" She asks.

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