16 ~ New York

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Why are people so stupid? I simply asked them to handle the paperwork and refuse future deals until I'm back.

This company is way too important to me. It will not be brought down by incompetent workers.

"Just make sure you sent all of them" I quickly hang up.

I run a hand through my hair tugging at it. This fucking sucks.

I know I need to go back but I can't not now. Now I have a girlfriend and I'm not alone. I have my family with me now.

I'm not willing to let all of this go. I'm so selfish, I want it all.

I need a distraction so I open up my laptop and do some research. By research, I mean looking at potential candidates for my new hotel I want to open up here in Thornview.

I look through specific empty spaces of land, some building designs, and how many people I will need to hire to get this prepared.

This may be the worst decision or the best decision I ever make. I want to be able to come back here and I can't think of anything better.

I doubt Ivy would ever want to come with me back to New York. That would be amazing but she has her own perfect life here in Thornview. How would I even start that conversation with her?

'Yeah, ivy come live with me in New York and leave behind the only home you've ever known. I know we have known each other for a few days and dated for even less but I think we can make it work.'

'You'll also have to say goodbye to Cleo who is your best friend and no you can't come to visit and don't forget about Henry who you helped raise, who you look at like a brother.'

I replay this talk in my head over and over again and the only result I can see is Ivy breaking up with me.

I know we haven't known each other for a long time but I'm willing to stay and get to know each other more. I just hope Ivy will do the same.

Something I've noticed about her is she tends to second guess people and their intentions for example my brother. She accused him of hurting Cleo even I had suspensions but I never thought that it was true.

I can't think that it's true. He may be irrational, arrogant, and rude but he's my brother. Family is most important.

If Nate was hurting Cleo wouldn't she say something to Ivy or even me?

My phone rings breaking my consideration.

"Hello," I answered.

"Boss is that you. I need your help Greg told me you were on vacation but the board is here and they aren't very happy" I hear my Secretary's panicked voice.

I sigh shit I forgot to notify them about my donation to the delinquents Center.

"Can you put Megan on the phone" Megan is the head of the board the person I have to notify.

I hear some shuffling than a pause.

"Alexander this is Megan speaking."

I take a breath she sounds angry. I don't know why it's not like I'm spending their money.

"Listen I donated to a local delinquent Center in my name so I'm not spending any of the company's money or yours" I try to explain.

"I know Alexander. The board isn't here about that. We were discussing your whereabouts."

"What do you mean my whereabouts that's none of your business" I grit out.

"Actually when it affects the company it is."

"I am working from here so nothing should be wrong" I try to reason. There just looking for a reason to get rid of me. Let me tell you that will not happen.

"Technically you can't be gone for more than 10 days or we get a temporary replacement."

Replacement, over my dead body.

"I still have two days left then I will be back. So there will be no temporary replacement got it?" I say in a deadly pitch hoping she gets the point.

"I understand."

With that being said the line goes dead.

Great so now I don't have a choice.

I need to get back just for a little bit. Just to get the board off my back.

I grab my phone again typing in the only person who could calm me down.

"Hey, Alex" I hear a sweet voice say.

"Hey, can I come over?"

"Of course," she says

"Thanks see you soon" I hang up and head over.

Can't wait to see you...



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