03 ~ Business

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The blaring music, the sweaty people dancing, and the bar where all the strong drinks were made was enough for any man to have a good time especially in New York but why am I so miserable.

"Another round for the big bad business man." my friend said shouting at the bartender who looked exhausted from a long night of working.

"Nah man I'm beat" i say heading off the bar bench.

"Oh cmon man you need a break and maybe we can find you a little lady to take home" he teases me. He knows I've never been the hookup type or anything type really.

I just haven't found any girl that attracts me.

"I know but I prefer to sleep over drinking any day" I say.

I know I'm being rude but I was too tired to care.

When I get to my big empty house I go straight to my room telling one of my maids to leave.

I lay in my cold king size bed drifting off to sleep but that's when I remember I'm still wearing my grey suit. I groan and quickly change into sweat pants ready for bed after a long tired day of filling out paper work and boring meetings.

As I fall asleep I can't help but wonder what my family's up to if my mother is cooking or watching tv, or if my father is playing golf, if my brother was doing alright.

I fall into a deep sleep, sleeping never was a problem after i moved away but what was a problem was the feeling of loneliness, sure I had friends but none of them understood me like my old friends or my family had.

I wonder if it will ever get better.

I wake up to see a faint light peeking through the window, getting up to start the day.

I go to the kitchen where my maid Penny made my favorite breakfast eggs with bacon and to drink a black coffee with no sugar.

She smiles at me "here you go sir your favorite."

"Thanks penny your the best and please stop calling me sir makes me sound old."

She laughs softly "My bad I'm just so used to it" she says awkwardly.

When I first met penny she was working for a jackass who wanted her to call him sir all the time and pay her less than minimum wage. So once I got enough money I hired her, she quickly became like a mother figure in my life when I moved.

"It's all good please sit down and eat. You made it after all" i say pulling a seat open for her to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry I already ate" she says smiling but you could tell she was nervous.

"It's ok I just thought we could chat" I say sitting back down in my seat staring at my plate of food practically drooling it all looked so good.

"Well I have a lot of laundry to do so maybe later" she says walking off and I quickly eat my breakfast nodding at her.

After eating all my food, I take my coffee and go into my home office. I sit down in my black leather chair and just stare.

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