05 ~ Drunk

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I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I can't get that guy out of my head. I don't even know him he could be a serial killer for all I know a hot one.. shut up head.

I sit upon my bed maybe some TV could help get my mind off of that guy.

While I sleep I think about the guy aka 'my stalker' as my nickname for him

Who is he?

This is a small town I know almost everyone well except him and Nate. His green and brown shining eyes that cut into my soul, the way he looked at me like I was the one he wanted. He's hard to forget and his lips looked soft, the way his tan skin gleamed in the sun even from inside his car.

I can just imagine what him kissing me would feel like... how he would look deeply into my eyes and whisper-softly in my ear.

What was so special about him?

A loud knock on my apartment door startled me. I guess sleep can wait walking out of my bedroom I pass by a mirror with my long wavy Carmel colored hair that is messy that is in need of a brush and my dark blue eyes.

I opened my front door to see 'my stalker' the stranger I was just thinking about. Wait how did he know where I live?

"O-oh hey I'm Alex" he quickly says his face shows surprise to see me.

"I-I'm so sorry to show up here like this but your friend is in my car drunk and asleep but before she passed out she said that I could drop her off here." he sounded so nervous.

"Oh yeah, it's fine..." I think about what he said for a moment.

"Wait how did you know where she was? she said she was supposed to go with her boyfriend to meet his family" I say quickly my pulse quickening he really was a stalker but going after my best friend that's extreme.

His eyes go wide in shook he must have noticed the panic I'm feeling "No" he sighs.

"No I mean I'm Nathan's brother the guy your friend is dating."

"Okay," I say calming down a little.

"But that doesn't explain what she is doing with you and drunk." I'm trying to process exactly what he just told me.

before he can reply Cleo pops up out of nowhere "Hey gUrl" she says hiccupping.

I let out a sigh. She really is drunk but that doesn't explain why he brought her here and where is Nathan.

"C'mon Cleo let's get you to bed," I say snapping out of my thoughts I can get answers later right now I need to take care of her. I quickly grab her arm softly leading her in that's when I look at him.

"Thanks for bringing her, and... wait here I still have questions."

He nods his head a little watching me struggle to hold Chloe up by the arms.

"Here let me help get her inside." he grabs her other arm wrapping it around his neck to hold her up.

Cleo smiles struggling to walk smiling at him "he is sooo nice right?"

I smile a little at him looking into his eyes "we'll see" he smirks a little after I say that.

After we get her in my bed she quickly falls asleep as I walk out of the room. I catch him looking around the small living room awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"So um I'm sorry again I really didn't know she would get so drunk."

"Who are you?" I sternly cross my arms over my chest. I'm trying to show him that he doesn't intimidate me.

"Like I said I'm Nathan's older brother."

"Ok but that doesn't explain why you brought her here and drunk no less" I'm trying to sound tough but my voice keeps cracking. I've never had a guy in my apartment before.

He just looks so intimidating wearing a casual grey suit and he has to be about 6'2 and I'm only 5'4, I have to crane my neck just to look into his eyes. Not to mention that smirk that shows off his dimples.

"Right well that's kind of a long story," he says awkwardly. I smile a little, I make him nervous.

"I've got time" I sit on the couch crossing my legs trying my best to look confident.

He sits next to me but not close enough "Ok well we were all having dinner together and having a few drinks-"

I sigh, this can't be good "continue" I say noticing he had stopped mid-sentence.

"Then after dinner, she and my brother left I may have heard a little bit of their conversation before they took off" he takes a deep breath.

"And they were arguing about her drinking too much he started to get a little angry with her so I stepped in and took her home."

I took a breath trying to control my anger "What do you mean he got angry with her?"

"It wasn't anything serious he just grabbed her arm and was yelling a bit," he says nervously.

"So you think that wasn't serious," I ask standing up from the couch. My anger is getting harder to contain what is wrong with this guy grabbing her should be considered serious.

"Honestly it's typical behavior for my brother he wouldn't really hurt someone."

Typical behavior, I knew something was off about him now I know he must have anger issues or something. what did Cleo get herself into? I know she has a thing for the bad guys but abusive guys are not the same.

"Calm down ok? I know it sounds bad but Nathan isn't going to hurt Cleo." He tries to reassure me but it's not working.

"I think you should leave," I say I need to get him out of here before I punch him.

He stands up "Alright I will leave but again I'm sorry on behalf of my brother."

Now that he's gone I can relax at least until Cleo wakes up then she and I need to have a little chat about that boyfriend of hers.

Now that he's gone I can relax at least until Cleo wakes up then she and I need to have a little chat about that boyfriend of hers

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