07 ~ Abuse

99 7 0


Warning abuse ⚠️

After spending some time together with ivy. I left walking back to my place once I walked inside there in my living room sat Nate on my couch arms spread along the back watching me like a predator.

He smiles but it's tight. I smile back despite the tension in the room.

"Oh hey babe what are you doing here?" He stands up and walks up towards me, I stand back a little but he keeps coming till I'm backed up against the door.

"Are you not happy to see me?" He asks looking deep into my eyes.

"O-of course I'm happy you're here but I- um I just thought you were still mad at me." I start to stutter getting nervous as his face is close to mine. I can feel his breath on my cheek.

While looking down at my shoes. He grabs my chin hard making me look at him.

"I was mad about last night but I've been thinking and I wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything I shouldn't have talked to you like that." he says but his face says a different story.

"I forgive you and I'm sorry to."

"I'm glad to hear that, did you wanna know why else I came by?" He asks his eyes full of lust while his hand goes from my chin to my neck he grips it softly and quickly brings my lips to his kissing me forcefully.

I try and kiss him back with the same passion.

He moved his hands to my butt lifting me up and pushing my back hard against the door making a small groan come from him as our bodies collided.

he keeps kissing me with force going hard and fast. I can feel how hard he is through his jeans.

After a few seconds of hard kissing that makes my lips bruised. He takes me to the bedroom but not before taking all of my clothes off along with his, leaving us naked.

He drops me into the bed getting on top of me while leaving deep dark hickeys on my neck then he goes lower to my stomach then to my waist

He wastes no time.

Once he makes it lower to my core I feel his tongue on my clit. He sucked my clit quickly and I moaned softly at the aggressive paste he goes at he sticks his tongue deep inside of me.

I moan again and again gripping the bedsheets tightly feeling a sensation in my stomach I moan louder than before "Nate I'm gonna cum."

Then seconds later I cum but after I do he stops.

I look down at him confused.

He faces me and quickly puts his member in me full force.

He continues going hard, deep and fast making me moan so loud.

He moans softly "you're so good slut."

He groans while holding on to my neck tightly so I can't moan. Instead I start to choke "N-nate stop."

I try to claw his hand away but he is too strong he keeps slamming into me. It hurts so much.

"Shut up and be a good girl for me you slut" he moans softly while I gag crying a little. I want to stop.

His smile was evil. how did I not see it before?

Then he quickly pulls out cumming on my bed making a mess on the sheets. I was sore and red down there already.

He lays down beside me letting me go. I quickly take deep breaths catching my breath while gasping.

I wipe my tears off looking at him he smiles and sighs "that was amazing I loved it."

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