Bonus chapter 0.2

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One month later

"Shut that kid up, please Evan. I can't take this!" My sister yells ready to throw Aurora into my arms. Aurora has been very cranky for a while. She always cries when she's with my sister and I'm so tired from my shift at the bakery but I can't just leave aurora crying like this.

My sister leaves after I quiet aurora down, I wonder what she's doing everytime she leaves.

My sister hasn't been doing well, she bearly eats and she barely talks anymore unless it's complaining about Aurora. My little niece doesn't deserve this, I want to take her away and save her from this life.

My eyes are opened and I realize my sister is no parent, she's only a person that gave birth. No one could take better care of Aurora then me.

I get up and grab all of my stuff along with Auroras stuff, her favorite stuffed animal is a Golden retriever with a purple levender colored bow in it's hair. I want to give her the real thing.

Before I can change my mind I hold aurora close to me and look at her sleeping face. She is so adorable and looks so peaceful, so different then the crying flustered baby a minute ago. I had to do this, something inside me knows this is exactly what I need to do.

I do have a place in mind but we have only just started seeing each other, I don't know if he would allow me a place essentially with a baby in my arms.

I have to at least try, he lives in new York but is in town for me so maybe he would let me stay with him just until I get my own apartment.

I call Santiago with a heavy heart.

"Hey" his rich accent comes through the phone and I always seem to blush everytime I hear it.

"Hi- um I need your help" I say but seem to stutter a little.

"Whats wrong? Are you ok?" He asks me urgency picking up in his voice.

"No- well everything is ok but I- I need a place to stay, with my niece Aurora" I ask nervously. He knows about Aurora but not anything about how bad my relationship with my sister is. He doesn't know how unstable she is.

I hear him sigh "of course, come to my apartment."

I nod even though he can't see me.

"Thank you, thank you."


I'm curious, Evan called me sounding weird and I have allowed him to come over with his baby niece.

I wonder what possessed him to call, I'm a little worried about a baby but I have all the guns hidden so I'm certain she will be safe.

I never liked the place Evan lived, I did my research and know it's no place for him or his niece.

I hear a faint knock and open the door.

Evan looks exhausted with auraua in his arms as she cries, I can't help but cringe at the baby.

I'm not good with kids but I can't bear how worn-out Evan looks so I take the child out of his arms and he agreed. Even though our relationship has just started we have already built a trust.

I can't let him know who I am. It would break it.

I'm taking a risk being in a relationship while my family is in New York, I'm in this town with my boyfriend.

Boyfriend, what a weird word that I never expected to say.

I don't know how I got here, staring at a sleeping Evan while aurora lays beside him they look so peaceful laying together. It makes me smile, he would make a great dad.

No, my heart should not be beating this fast not for Evan and certainly not for Aurora.

I sigh running my hands through my hair and grab a blanket being careful to put it over him.

He never told me what happened but I had a feeling it was his sister, I did research on her and Evan while he was clean his sister was the opposite.

His sister had a record for being a drunk and I looked into her genes, they had a a history of mentally insanity. I looked into her therapist and he even recommended a shelter for her.

I need to know what happened, it's driving me crazy no pun intended. There's no doubt in my mind that aurora would be safer here with Evan and I.

Should I be taking care of them?

Should I be the one responsible for Evan?

I want to be.

I want to be

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