14 ~ Mornings

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I opened my eyes to the small light peeling through her windows.

I move around a little only to find ivy in my arms. I smile looking at her beautiful face as she sleeps peacefully. Last night was amazing I think it was the best sex I've ever had not that anyone could compare to Ivy.

I want to get up to make some breakfast but I don't want to wake her up. I gently lift her to get her off me and make an attempt to get up without waking her up.

I manage to successfully get out of the bed and put on my boxers I make my way to her small kitchen.

I manage to find some eggs making some scrambled eggs and coffee.

I hear light footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Oh, I thought you left." I see her wearing a baggy oversized shirt showing off her perfectly tanned legs.


I frowned at that "why would I leave? I made us some breakfast."

She still looks surprised "Oh."

I laugh a little shaking my head as I finish making the eggs. It's pretty clear she hasn't had a lot of boyfriends but I'm more than happy to be the first.

After we finish our breakfast it's time to return to reality putting on our clothes, she's wearing sweats and a crop top. I'm forced to wear my clothes from last night but I don't mind.

"Thank you for making me breakfast," she says with a cute blush on her face while I put on my shirt.

I smile back at her "Of course baby."

She giggles a little "that's gonna be hard to get used to."

"What? that your mine."

The blush on her face becomes more visible now.

"Yeah" She sighs.

Her sigh brings me back to last night her sheets are still a little scrambled. Fuck it would feel so good to have her again.

"So I'll see you tomorrow" I hear her say bringing me out of my haze only to find her staring at me waiting for a reply.

Was she talking the whole time? Oops.

I nod acting like I heard what she said "definitely sounds good."

I smile as she gets closer to me only to kiss my cheek. Hey, I'll take what I can get.


I keep texting him but he isn't answering. C'mon Nate the one time I want something and you don't answer. I can't deal with my mother alone.

"Where's my favorite daughter?" I hear my mom scream walking right into my apartment like she owns the place.

I cringe slightly as she brings in her two suitcases, oh no she's staying. This can't be happening.

I keep texting Nate rapidly maybe he can save me from this nightmare.

I put my phone away in a rush then walk up to her giving her a hug acting happy when on the inside im freaking out.

But fake it till you make it right.

Somehow we made it into my bedroom with no arguments yet.

"Oh, my Cleo look at this mess don't you ever clean."

Spoke too soon.

"Relax mom Ivy was just here, we were just watching a movie," I explain.

She smiles at the mention of Ivy "Oh and how is she? She was always so polite and beautiful."

How nice my mom loves Ivy more than her daughter.

I sit down on my chair "She's fine."

My mother finally looks at me then spins me around to face my mirror "Look at you. You could look just as beautiful as Ivy if you only tried."

Ouch, mom, I hide my frown fighting back tears "I'm sorry" I whisper.

She gently rubs my cheeks it would feel affectionate but from her, it feels terrible.

"Don't worry makeup will fix you right up" she stands up straighter then leaves my room to get the makeup she brought with her.

I start crying while looking back at my reflection through the mirror. I'm already wearing makeup.

More tears roll down as my mom's words go on repeat in my mind.

Am I beautiful?

I suppose that's what Nate wanted, for me to be like him. No longer sun and rain now we are both ugly in different ways.


It's been hours but my mom finally managed to fall asleep while I look into the mirror once again. I'm at a loss for words I look like a model.

I'm finally beautiful.

I stand up to look at my body my face may look perfect but what about the rest of me.

Can I expect my body to be beautiful when I have these bruises and scars?

I look at my neck seeing a few light hickeys and bruises from my disobedience against Nate. That's when an idea pops into my head.

I put some makeup on the bruises and my other scars almost like an instinct.

When I'm done my phone buzzes as I see that Nate has finally texted me back.

What took him so long?

I text him back telling him all about my mother. Since I met his parents it's only right that he meets mine but unfortunately, Nate refused.

My mind reminds me.

I can't force him to do something he doesn't want to.

I can't force him to do something he doesn't want to

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