04 ~ Home

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After the long private flight, I wasn't that tired, sleeping during the whole flight was the best.

I get my one suitcase out and hand cash to my driver he leaves rather quickly and probably has another person to pick up.

I knock on the house door, why am I sweating so much it's not like i'm meeting anyone new it's just my family, a family I haven't seen in years.

My mom answered the door straight away and gave me a hug. A big smile appears on my face, her hugs feel like a warm comfort zone. I haven't felt this much happiness since I moved to New York.

She finally lets go and has the biggest smile on her face "oh my dear boy has finally come home I'm so happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too."

I come into the house and sit on the couch with my mom going into the kitchen, "are you hungry?"

"No mom I already ate."

"Oh well your dad will be home soon he will be so happy to see you."

"I can't wait."

After talking to mom, dad got home and we all spent the rest of the day talking thankfully Nate was not here. It was starting to get late so I figured it would be a good time to sleep.

"Hey mom would you mind if i slept on the couch tonight?"

"Of course not dear but wouldn't you rather sleep in your room."

"Wait you still have my room the same as before." I'm not really surprised but it's nice to know I haven't been replaced yet.

"Of course i just knew you would be back."

"Oh yeah thanks, I'm just gonna head to bed." I say awkwardly trying to avoid a conflict.

"Before you do I forgot to mention Gracie called."

"Gracie?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah Gracie the lady that owns the delinquent center she wants to talk to you." The delinquent center is one place I used to hang out with friends since a lot of them were delinquents.

"I guess I can go over there do you know why she wants to talk?"

"Not really no."

"Alright I'll head over there now."

"Great and don't forget we have dinner with Nate to meet his girlfriend tonight." She kindly reminded me.

Nate is the most loose person I know relationships have never been his thing but they weren't my thing up until I've became a CEO.

You learn quickly that some women are out for money and sometimes power you just have to be patient to find the right one.

I drive to the delinquents Center, I still remember where everything is it's hard not to remember this town because it's so small.

Before I get out of the car I check my phone noticing a few missed calls from my office and quickly put my phone in my pocket that's when I notice a girl mowing the lawn.

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