10 ~ The lake

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Time to go see Alex who has a surprise for me at the park, not the place I pictured for a date especially for someone like Alex he's more classy, polite, and calm but I guess even he is full of surprises.

I'm wearing something cute a flowery dress I didn't want it to be short so I went for something a little longer.

The first thing I noticed was the park was completely empty like usually there's a few little kids running around but no there's not a person in sight

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The first thing I noticed was the park was completely empty like usually there's a few little kids running around but no there's not a person in sight.

I see Alex smiling at me he has jeans on and a casual shirt.

He looks like the perfect American guy. Maybe I shouldn't have worn a dress I feel so overdressed.

"Hey, wow you look great!" he says smiling I can't hide my small blush.

"Thanks so what's this surprise?" i say smiling back at him trying to resist the urge to look into his beautiful eyes as they have the power to make me forget my most important thoughts.

"Follow me and you'll find out" he grabs my hand and we start to walk down hill towards the old trail that lead to...well I don't really know everyone was always afraid to go down there. Rumors went around town that someone disappeared while walking down this trail never to be heard from again.

As we make it to the entry of the long dark trail I look down that way "Um Alex I don't know about this... are you trying to kill me?" I ask using a joke to cover up my instant fear.

When I was a child I used to be afraid of the dark I got over it but something about the dark always gave me the chills even to this day.

"Maybe.. come on ivy I won't let anything happen to you." He says in a teasing way but also in a reassuring way.

"Your just gonna have to trust me" he takes my chin gently his touch giving me goose bumps forcing me to look up into his soft brown eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He asks in a whisper.

"I- yes" I nod and I do something unexpected. I kiss him softly his lips feel feather light on mine.

"Good this will be worth it I promise." He says after our short kiss.

As we walked down the woodsy trail a branch caught my dress but I quickly took it out as we walked. I shouldn't have worn this but no going back now.

I look around it's not bad as there's small lights peeking through the tress that surround us while we follow the long hallway like trail.

Alex suddenly gets in front of me blocking my view "Ok I want you to close your eyes."

I'm a little confused but even though I didn't know Alex for very long I trusted him so I close my eyes.

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