19 ~ Lost

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I lay back in my chair that has a clear view of the city. My phone rings unexpectedly. It's my dad.

"Hello" I answer but I hear sniffing and crying on the other end.

"Alex your brother he's... He's dead."

I find myself dropping the phone.

What? My brother is....dead?

Nate is gone.

My legs are moving but I don't remember walking it's all blurry. I can't see it's all blurry.

I quickly call the only person who can calm me down.

I need Ivy.


I have no words. My body is limp and my mind is fogged. It's been a week since my brother is gone. I've been out planning for his funeral while my mom and dad stay home crying or sleeping.

His body was washed up onto the place I took ivy. A place I thought would be so memorable turned into something dark that I would rather forget.

I feel empty. Sure me and Nate were not close or even friendly to each other but he's my blood. My other half is gone.

I wish I hadn't spent all that time working. I wish I could have been there for him and spent time together even if it was just one more time.

I can't change the past but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he gets justice.

Who ever did this will pay.


"What do I say? I can't just show up at the funeral and act like everything is ok." Cleo panics while pacing the floor.

I sigh looking into the mirror at my reflection. I have dark circles under my eyes. I haven't slept in days. My dark clothes matches the mood.

After they found Nate's body all me and Cleo did was panic waiting for the time when the police come knocking on the door.

It still hasn't happened yet but my gaurd will forever be up. I will forever have this deadly burden on my shoulders like the devil following me everywhere.

"Just breathe and calm down. They think it's a suicide." I say looking at her.

She nods and smiles awkwardly. I cringe at her face "Do not smile....you might have to cry just a little bit."

I can't believe I'm suggesting this but I have to look at the reality of it. She needs to act sad and confused like the loving girlfriend. A normal girlfriend.

"Ok" I hear the sigh in her tone.

Time to go to the funeral.


"I'm so sorry Alex" I hug him trying my best to comfort him.

He smiles at me making my heart ache with guilt. I don't know if I can do this.

"Thank you for being here with me. I love you." He says surprising me. He loves me.

"I- love you too" I can't help but hold back. Love won't be enough, It never will be.

"Mh-- I want to hold you forever" he says hugging me tightly. I wish he would. I don't want this to end. I need Alex.

He eventually pulls away with a frown on his face. Then the music starts letting us know his casket is coming.

We kiss for a moment and it makes this feeling in my heart so much worse. I have to let him go.

This is torture.

"I'll see you in the seats. I'm gonna help bring his casket inside and say a few words." I let him go.

From across the room I see Cleo talking to Nate and Alex's parents. They are crying and doing there best to stay strong it's written all over there faces.

How can Cleo do it? Shes acting like the perfect sad girlfriend role. Did she hate Nate that much? What did he do to her?

These questions loome in my mind so long that I didn't realize I was staring and the music got louder as people took there seats.

Here we go.

Here we go

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