06 ~ Hidden

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"Good morning bestie," I hear a squeaky voice.

I open my eyes seeing Cleo with a plate of bacon in her hands smiling down at me.

I sit up so I can look into her eyes she looks terrible with her uncombed hair and she has dark circles under her eyes she must have washed her face because it's a faint red.

I sigh getting ready for the hardest talk of my life.

"Cleo why don't you sit down" i say while taking the plate of bacon out of her hands and onto the small table beside my couch. I let her take the bed while I took my couch.

"Okay" she sits down across from me.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask in the softest voice I can manage despite the tension in the room.

"Yeah I do" she says smiling a little weird.

"Ok well mind telling me what happened at that dinner?" I have to tread carefully because when Cleo has a hangover she is always on edge the smallest things make her really defensive.

"There's nothing much to tell you other than it went well at first but-" she slowly stops.

"But what?" I question, she looks down at her hands fiddling with her fingers.

"But when it was time to leave Nate asked me to go home with him so we could you know.." she says slowly again. I look at her weirdly this was worse than I thought but that's not what Alex told me, so someone here is lying.

"I told him no" she says awkwardly looking back at me.

"Did he try and force you?" I ask nervously. I'm scared to know.

She shakes her head no "he was very understanding but he still wanted me to go with him" she continued.

"I told him no and that's why we were arguing he got so mad and then his brother showed up so he helped me" she shrugs.

Something is very off about this whole argument why was Cleo drunk and why would Alex lie.

Maybe he did lie but I can't ignore the small doubt that I have. Something was telling me that Alex wouldn't do that.

Maybe just maybe Alex was a good guy but I'm not sure how I feel about him he's nice and very handsome but his attitude could use some fixing.

I just feel so confused.

I believe Cleo obviously because she is my best friend but I can't ignore my gut feeling saying she's lying about something...

But why and what would she need to lie about?


I haven't known Nate very long but I feel a deep connection with him and whatever happened in his past and mine doesn't matter because what really matters is the future.

Nate and I sometimes have small disagreements but what couple doesn't. I don't think I will ever be able to tell ivy what really happened at the dinner because she wouldn't understand.

She's never been in love or even had a boyfriend.

After Nate and I left we started to argue outside the restaurant where he kept saying "that I didn't look good enough" or that "his parents would never like me."

Sure I was a little tipsy but it's not like I was over the top drunk.

However, he still yelled at me outside the restaurant knowing his parents and brother left while he was yelling and grabbing my arm tightly.

I was silent and maybe a little scared. That's when Alex, his older brother came to my rescue and tried to calm Nate down the key word was tried.

After they had their little fight Nate left me alone with Alex saying and I quote "fine if you want to be a little slut go take a ride with Alexander."

Then with that he left, not gonna lie it hurt.

With that in mind Alex was nice enough to give me a ride. I didn't want to go home so I told him about Ivy's house because she always makes me feel better.

Maybe I should lie to her.

So I did the only thing I could think of I pretended to be more drunk then I was with Alex and with ivy.

I know it's wrong but if she found out that Nate laid a small hand on me she would flip and make a huge deal about it.

In the morning I had to make it up to her with some bacon it's her favorite breakfast.

It feels so wrong lying to her but I think it's the best for mine and Nate's relationship.

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