28 ~ Murders

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When I saw Cleo at the hospital my first thought was, is she ok?

But then I saw Henry and I backed off a little. I wasn't trying to listen to their conversation but when I heard Henry say 'don't give up on your life' I knew I shouldn't go up to them.

So I did follow her. Making sure she had her own room and I paid for her stitches.

Then I saw ivy and heard them talking about what happened and something about Cleo lying to her.

It's none of my business but I can feel Cleo and ivy are hiding something important. It could be about Nate and I feel like I have the right to know.

I'm waiting in ivy's apartment for her. No I didn't break in, she gave me a key.

"Oh your here already" she says walking in.

"Yeah." I nod my head. While I sit on the couch.

"You seem deep in thought is everything okay?" She sits beside me but I don't make eye contact.

"I'm fine but is Cleo?"

"What? How did you know?" She seems genuinely surprised.

"I was there." Now I look into her eyes for some type of reaction and I hate what I see.

Her demeanor is calm but her eyes look scared.

"Just tell me the truth. What is going on?"

She sighs "ok she fell but lately she's been sad from the death of Nate."

"Wait what do you mean fell?"

"I don't know but apparently Henry was there before something serious happened."

I sigh in relief. I knew she was fine but I'm glad Henry was there.

"So..that's all." I need confirmation because I feel like there's more.

She looks into my eyes but what I didn't expect was her tears. She's crying.

"No I'm sorry."

She lays her head in my chest sobbing. Before I can process it she grips me into a bone crushing hug.

I hug her back but I'm confused. I hate to see her cry ever worse I've never seen someone so torn up.

Even my mom hadn't cried this much when her own son died. It breaks my heart.

"Hey its ok whats wrong? You can tell me anything."

"No no I can't."

"Listen to me." I pull away so I can look into her beautiful eyes.


She takes a breath then let's it out with her eyes closing.

"Nate hurt Cleo while they were together."

"Before he died while they were together he would hit her or beat her up."

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