13 ~ First time

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Warning sexual scene

Our kiss started slow but quickly became heated.

He took the lead as his tongue made its way into my mouth, I let him lift me onto his lap as he explored my mouth.

His lips tasted sweet but his tongue sent me over the edge, it was heaven.

His hands went to my butt holding on to it but not squeezing or anything. I could tell he was a little hesitant so I lightly grind against him wanting him to go further.

He groaned softly into my mouth. That's when I felt his member through his pants grow a little, poking me slightly.

He pulled back a little to catch his breath. It was an unusual feeling for me this pleasure I'd never had before but I liked it.

I wanted to feel him.

All of him.

I took this chance to kiss his neck lightly. Even though I'm new to this I have watched porn but it never turned me on. Not like this.

He laughs a little "Ivy we better stop before things get too heated."

I look at him stopping all of my movements "what if I want things to get heated" I whisper.

I don't care how desperate I sounded, all I knew was I wanted him more than I have wanted anyone.

He smiles but something in his eyes changes they are darker and that tells me he wants this just as bad.

It's nice having this effect on him it makes me feel good like I've done something good.

"Ivy if we do this there's no going back," he says keeping eye contact.

I smile a little "I know."

He looks me up and down almost like debating on what to do.

"Have you ever done this?" He asks out of the blue.

"No. But what does it matter?" I ask nervously.

A soft sigh escaped his lips "Ivy we shouldn't do this. Believe me, I want to but I can't take that away from you."

I open my mouth a little shocked. He's acting like my virginity is this big gift I should keep forever.

But the thing is I don't want to keep it I want to give it up to him.

"I know we haven't known each other for a while but im ready."

"I like you a lot Alex and I want you," I state calmly looking back at him.

He stays silent for a little while his face was unreadable.

The next thing I knew his lips were on mine in a fast paste. Alex was kissing me like no tomorrow.

It took me a minute to respond to the kiss giving him my tongue as they mingled together.

After what felt like minutes of kissing things started to escalate as he gripped my butt a few times making me moan into his mouth.

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