~ Epilogue ~

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Two years later


I sit here in Alex's personal office across from him on the couch watching and observing how he works.

"You know you don't have to watch me the whole time." Alex laughs, now finally sparing me a glance over his laptop.

I smile "I know, but you're so interesting."

He rolls his eyes and goes back to typing.

I continue to draw his portrait. Another good thing about moving here besides being with Alex was my new love for drawing. I got bored doing nothing and not helping out so I learned how to draw and I sold a few.

I'm still a new artist so I'm not very popular yet but I'm growing and getting better everyday.

So many things have changed.

I'm happier than I've ever been living with Alex and loving each other more everyday. I somehow knew Alex was the only one for me.

I've talked to Cleo a few times, she has been going to therapy and is still looking for a job. I wanted her to come here in the beginning but she always declined. I haven't heard or seen Henry in forever and I wonder if he's okay.

I won't say moving here was selfish. It was just something I needed. There was nothing left for me or Alex in Thornview.

"What are you thinking about?" I don't realize it but Alex is behind me, slowly starting to massage my shoulders.

"Mhh, nothing much just thinking about how good you look in your suits." I smile up at him.

"Well I think I look better when they come off." He whispers into my ear, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

"That too."

He laughs softly into my ear getting closer to my neck, I feel his hot breath. He gently goes from kissing my neck to biting my ear.

"I love you so much Ivy." He tells me everyday and it's something I'll never get tired of hearing.

He's perfect for me.

I turn around capturing him into a passionate kiss.

"I love you Alex."

We smile at each other then he lifts me up till we get to his desk, where he placed me on top of his papers and I can't seem to keep the laughter away.

I know what he's thinking.

"Alex no, we can't do this here."

"No? Why not?"

I smile and pull him closer.

"What if someone hears us?"

He leans in and our mouths just bearly touch.

"I hope everyone hears. I want everyone to know that you're mine and the only one who can make you scream."


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