22 ~ Cold

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Everything is dark. Where am I?

I hear a muffled male voice as I try to open my eyes "Ivy please wake up. I really need to hear your voice." It's Alex but he sounds very sad or depressed. I hate that I made him feel like this.

I find a way to squint my eyes to look at him in the bright room "Alex?"

I feel him grip my hand. "Yeah it's me. How are you feeling?" How am I feeling? Shouldn't he be with his parents not here making sure I'm ok.

I don't deserve him.

I don't deserve his kindness. This is the moment where I realize I need to come clean about everything.

I'm so sorry Cleo.

I love you Cleo and you will always be my best friend but I can't lie to Alex he means to much to me. I guess for once in my life I know what real love feels like.

"Yeah I'm fine" I try to say but my voice sounds raspy.

"Just try to relax don't force yourself to talk. Cleo is outside the room if you want to see her."

I nod wanting to speak but spending time with Alex this way seemed better then revealing the hard truth to him.

Getting used to the light my eyes open more. Alex smiles at me. "Cleo told me you didn't have any family around so I thought I should be here."

I smile back at him "thanks."

He nods, then the doctor comes in.


I'm at my apartment with Alex hand feeding me soup, it was nice being in silence like this but the moment was brief when he talked. It's not like I didn't want him to talk it's just better in silence.

I just hope my heart doesn't get in my brains way. I had to be smart about this. I dont want to out right tell him I murdered Nate...

Wait. Maybe I should.

It could save Cleo and I would be the one to take the fall.

I can't believe I'm considering this but Cleo won't survive going to jail. She's my best friend but am I willing to give up my whole life for her?

"Come let's get you into bed. The doctor said you need to rest" Alex says then surprises me by picking me up and taking me into the room.

"You know I can walk right?

"I'm fine Alex I can take care of myself." I say but it goes from one ear out the other as he lays me down and puts a blanket over me.

"You shouldn't have to I'm here for you." He sits down beside me.

"Let me be here Ivy." He says then grips my hand. It hurts me to see him like this. He seems adamant about helping me but he's the one that needs more right now.

"Come lay with me." I move over so he has room to get beside me.

He wraps his arm around me bringing me tightly into his embrace. It's silent for a while as I feel his breath on my neck.

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