32 ~ The next step

31 4 1


I wanted to. I wanted to do this for ivy. I have to remind myself why in hell I confessed to this.

Being in a cell isn't so bad especially since I'm alone. They have some clues like how Nate's body was in a river but nothing solid. They only have a he said she said thing. Hopefully my lawyer can figure something out.

I still remember my mom's despair. She was heartbroken and confused as to why I would do this. My dad is angry, at me and the situation I have put them in.

They know there's no way I did this but I still don't tell them the truth. It hurts not being able to confine yourself to the people you love.

Is this how Cleo felt?

I hate to admit it but I feel for Cleo. I've seen how Nate acts, but I never saw this coming.

Never saw it.

When Ivy came to see me she called me her hero but in reality she is mine.

I would still be alone.

I learned from ivy and Cleo there's nothing worse then being completely alone. They were but they still lived more then I ever did.

I respect ivy for her constant loyalty and love she has for Cleo. I've never had a friend or lover that would go to the same lengths ivy has for Cleo.

Cleo may have been hurt by my brother but she fought and survived.

They both are a force.

I wish I could be brave, theres still this fear I have deep inside that nothing is going to be the same.

Change scares me.

I hate to admit it mostly because I'm a guy and we are supposed to be the strong ones but ivy beats me by a mile.

I love her, I can't stop it and there's no use in denying it.

I wanted to show the same bravery even for a moment the same way she has shown her whole life.

That's why I did this.

For her.

For love.

For myself.


It's been at least an hour before the guard lets me out of my cell. My lawyer has finally arrived.

"Hey, got any good news?" I say quickly sitting down before the guard can unlock my handcuffs.

He smiles "yes we should be able to get you out of here by tonight."

A take a sigh of relief. I'm loosing my mind in that cell.

"The police don't really have anything on you other than you did confess."

That doesn't sound good.

"So the best option is to pray that they don't find your fingerprints on Nate's body or pay off someone." He suggested the last part quietly.

Only now I notice the police guard is gone. I had lots of money and power but I never wanted to use it illegally, it was one thing I swore I would never do.

But do I really have a choice?

He sighs clearly seeing my discomfort of his idea.

"It's the only option here. Unless you really didn't do the crime."

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