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I lit up the end of the cigarette with my lighter as I held the cig between my fingers. I then placed the tip of the cigarette in my mouth, inhaling the relieving smoke with one breath and later letting the fumes escape my parted lips. The smoke warmed my body from the inside as I rode my longboard around town, putting away the lighter on my back pocket.

I had been smoking for a year now, and ever since then I didn't really suffer from any harsh, negative health effects from doing so. It wasn't putting a toll on my body until I started doing hero work where I had to overuse my quirk and my lungs. And now, I couldn't go back. Everytime I tried to quit, my mood swings worsened and I'd get constant headaches. Ironically, I don't feel good if I don't smoke, so I stopped trying and just let my body have what it wanted.

Though just as I tried reaching for my lighter again, Sensei's words from the other day hit me like lighting: I don't know what's going on, but I hope you can overcome what you're going through so you can join us again in class.

I stopped skateboarding and threw the cig on the floor, stepping on it until it was nothing more than torn paper and ashes. I cursed myself under my breath, frustrated. It was easy for him to say! Aizawa didn't understand how difficult it was to 'overcome' smoking. After punching the nearest wall, irritated as I let out all of my anger and frustration on the corner, I kept on skateboarding as I flicked the cap of the metal lighter over and over, enjoying the nice sound it made.

Suddenly, I heard people yelling front a few blocks away, so I went there to go check it out. I saw a woman shouting at another pedestrian, arguing with them in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Listen here, kid!" yelled the woman, "I know you stole my phone! You better give it to me or I'll make sure you don't walk ever again!"

"I told you, old hag!" the pedestrian shouted back, "I don't have your stupid phone!"

The two of them didn't seem to stop arguing, and people started to walk around them, trying not to get involved. I stopped skateboarding and held it under my right arm, stuffing my hands in my pockets as I walked toward them.

"Give it to me now, kid!"

I took out my left hand and extended it, using my quirk on the pedestrian when suddenly, something in their pants started to move, and the woman's phone flew right to me. The two of them followed the device as it landed on my hand, and when the woman saw it, They turned to the pedestrian, rolling up her sleeves.

"I knew it! You're dead meat, kid!"

The woman gave them a piece of her mind, and soon enough, the pedestrian ran away from the scene, never to be seen again.

"You're crazy, lady!"

I walked toward the woman, handing her her phone back.

"Oh. Thanks," she said with a grin.

I kept on staring at her for a long time as she searched for her bags.

"You remind me of someone I know," I paused, thinking, "But I can't really put my finger on it."

After the woman bent down and picked up her things, she smirked at me.

"People always say that," she chuckled, "Apparently my son looks a lot like me. But I don't really see it."

Then, the woman rummaged through one of her bags, taking out a small bag of spicy ramen noodles.

"Here," she handed, "It's the least I can do for helping me out back there."

I looked down at the ramen, grabbing it and stuffing it in my hoodie's pocket.

"Son?" I repeated.

"Yeah," the woman nodded, "Are you one of Katsuki's classmates?"

"I don't know for sure who this Katsuki guy is," I doubted, "But if it's the same guy I'm thinking about, I'm his friend; I think."

The woman's eyes widened, surprised.

"Katsuki... has a friend?" They mumbled to herself.

"Hm? What was that?"

The woman shook her head, grinning as she walked along the sidewalk.

"It's nothing. Thanks again for the help," she winked, "And thank you... for being Katsuki's friend."

My eyes kept staring at the woman's back until I could no longer see her. I placed down my skateboard and began riding it again, trying to figure out if Katsuki was Kaminari's name.

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