arm wrestling

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The next day, we all sat together in the cafeteria like old times. I was having a really bad hair day because I didn't have time to brush it, so when I sat down in the cafeteria, Sero made a braid out of my messy hair. And it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself despite my peach hair never wanting to be nice to me.

"Thanks a lot, Sero."

"N-No problem, (y/n)," he stuttered, looking away for some reason.

"I hope you're feeling better now, (y/n)," Kirishima said as he ate his lunch.

I looked at Eijirou, grinning kindly.

"I am," I asserted, "Thank you, Kiri."

"Not gonna lie," Kaminari laughed awkwardly, "We kinda thought you'd be hospitalized."

"Yeah," Jirou nodded, "We were all worried. You fainted after fighting Vlad King, but we kinda expected that."

"You keep collapsing during training, so we thought you'd end up getting sick this time," Sero said as he scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry, (y/n)."

I felt as if my heart had been pierced, feeling sorry for myself.

"I-Is that so..."

"So what?" Bakugou declared, "They ended up getting sick, but they beat the guy and won."

"Woah, Bakugou," Kirishima joked, "Was that a compliment?"

"Tch," he scoffed, "So what if it was?"

The six of us kept eating while chatting, when suddenly, I remembered.

"I almost forgot," I stared, "You owe me an arm wrestling match, Kiri!"

I stood up from my seat, placing my elbow and stretching out my hand, looking at Eijirou with determined eyes while the others just looked at me weird.

"Arm wrestling?"

"Don't you remember? After our fight, I told you we'd do it!"

I laughed, excited.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?"

"Wait-" Eijirou looked at me, surprised, "Right here? Now? Are you serious?"

"I mean, if you don't wanna," I shrugged, "I understand you wouldn't, considering I might beat you this time now that I've grown a lot stronger."

Eijirou smirked back at me, clasping my hand against his.

"You're on, (y/n)!"

"Do you two have to do this now?" Bakugou complained, "Why can't you just wait until school's over?"

The two of us ignored Bakugou, and immediately afterwards, we started our match. I managed to put all of my weight against Eijirou's hand. Though when he activated his quirk, I could feel my arm behind pushed back until it hit the table.

"I can't believe I lost again..." I slouched on the table, depressed.

I could hear Eijirou chucking from my groans, proud.

"No fair! You used your quirk!" I nagged, "Mine's useless in arm wrestling!"

I looked as Kirishima laughed to himself, my eyes widening as I heard his kind laugh for the first time.

"Haha!" he laughed, "That's what happens when you challenge me, (y/n)!"

I lowered my gaze, shaking my head as I smirked, scoffing.

"You really are something, Kiri."

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