bound to his scarf

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During the night of the villain invasion in the Forest Training Camp, we were all clueless of what was really about to happen. I had spent the last few days trying to lift up the two weights with my quirk, and I'm proud to say I was able to lift them in the end. I raised both of my arms as I guided the tons around, hopping onto one of them as I made them fly above the building. I admit; it wasn't easy to do so, and I could still feel my arms trembling from the intense pain from carrying the weights.

I looked down and searched for Bakugou and noticed him right away when I saw his explosion across the other side of the camp. I decided to surprise him, so I hovered the two tons above the ground where Bakugou and my other classmates worked out, standing up normally and screaming his name from up high.


By that time, everyone around, including some of the PussyCats had noticed my weights. And when I knew Bakugou had noticed me, I jumped down, landing perfectly like a hero would before deactivating my quirk. I posed, resting my hand on my waist as I smirked at Bakugou after letting go of the 1-ton weights. This led to them crashing against the ground, making a loud explosion from behind me, and afterwards, two large craters formed around them.

It wasn't long before the students from class 1-B noticed my abilities.

"Who is that?"

"Wait- I've seen them before!"

"That student's from class 1-A!"

"I-Is that (y/n) (l/n)?"

"How were they able to lift those?!"

"Their quirk is awesome! I heard they even beat our Vlad King during the Practice Exam!"

The students all mumbled to themselves as they surrounded me and Bakugou. I grinned at him, excited and pumped.

"Hey Bakugou!" I declared, "You owe me a fight, remember?!"

I kept staring at Bakugou with a cocky smirk, waiting for him to answer.

"Are they seriously gonna fight right now?!"

As expected, Bakugou grinned back, closing his eyes as he did so.

"You're on, (l/n)!"

Though just as I headed towards Bakugou to initiate the fight, I felt my body being wrapped up and pulled backwards. It was Sensei! I looked down at my tied body, and noticed it had been wrapped by Aizawa's scarf, restrained. I tried to pull myself out of his grasp, but he was persistent in controlling me.

"S-Sensei!" I grunted.

"I'm sorry, (l/n)," Aizawa said as he pulled me, "But you have classes now. You're ten minutes late, in fact. I'm not gonna let you get away with it this time."

Bound to his scarf, I tried my best to escape. I did everything I could, but the frustration got the best of me.

"S-Sensei! Don't do this to me now!" I begged, "Let me go!"

But Aizawa wouldn't budge. Instead, he tightened up his bondage against my body, trying to submit me. I could feel my body being pulled towards Sensei, and for a split moment, I saw an opening.

"I-I said let me go, damn it!"

I managed to free my left hand from Aizawa's scarf, but just barely. I pointed it at one of the weights as my feet were dragged against my will towards Sensei.

"What do you think you're doing, (y/n)-"

And before Aizawa was able to grab me by the collar, the weight flung itself towards us. I quickly deactivated my quirk before jumping and ran away from there, knowing that I hadn't really hurt Aizawa since he was such an 'excellent' pro hero. I was really bummed out I couldn't face Bakugou that night, though I could just go back another day to challenge him. After that, I saw Aizawa tailing me from behind as I sprinted away; I wasn't going to that boring class even if it meant my life depended on it.

"You're not gonna take me with you, Sensei!"

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