the haunted spoon

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I walked around the cafeteria, searching for Uraraka and the others when all of a sudden Kirishima called me from one of the other tables. I sat down in front of him as I placed down my tray of baked potatoes and beans that Recovery Girl recommended me to eat.

"Glad you could join us, (y/n)," Kaminari gave me a thumbs up.

"Yeah," Sero agreed, "Welcome to our group!"

Beside me sat a girl from our class. They seemed pretty cool, and I heard them say her name, so I made sure to remember it.

"Jirou. I bet you already know (y/n)," Kirishima asked.

The five of us started talking while we ate our food, enjoying our lunch together as a group. It was all fun and cheery on our side; and then there was Bakugou... He just sat there, looking down at his food, probably trying not to burst from all the noise we were making; and I made sure to speak as loud as possible.

"Hey, (y/n)," Jirou turned to me, "Everyone's been asking ever since you fought in the Sports Festival how your quirk works."

"Yeah," Kaminari agreed, "Tell us about it. I think you owe us that much."

"Well," I began explaining, "My quirk lets me control all ferromagnetic metals; I am my own magnet. So I can manipulate them from afar and-"

When I saw the confused looks on their faces, I stopped to think for a second, thinking of a way to show them how it worked. Then, an idea struck me, and from my bag I took out three coins and placed each one of them on the table.

"There's the nickel, the penny, and the dime," I pointed out, "The nickel is made of, well, nickel, a ferromagnetic metal. This means I can use my quirk to do this."

I activated my quirk and hovered my left index finger over the coin, making it stick almost instantly to my skin.

"And then there's the penny and the dime," I added, "The penny is made up of copper and the dime is made of silver; both in which are not magnetic. So my quirk has no effect over them."

I hovered the same finger over the two coins, and sure enough, they didn't move at all.

"Coooool!" Kirishima gasped, "What else can you do, (y/n)?"

I rested both of my arms on the table, waiting for an answer.

"What do you want me to do?"

The four of them looked around the other tables, when all of a sudden, Jirou shook my shoulder.

"Can you make that guy's spoon float?"

I nodded, and when I saw the male student eating a bowl of soup with a steel spoon, I raised my right hand, pointed my index finger at him and controlled the cutlery from a distance. I forcefully snatched the spoon from his hands as the cutlery went flying away, sticking to the wall. The male student's friends all freaked out along with him, and when I withdrew my hand, the spoon dropped to the floor.

"Haha!" Sero laughed, "The look on their faces when you did that was priceless!"

We all heard Bakugou chuckle to himself, and we all turned to him.

"That's cute," Bakugou sneered, "But so what? You can control metals. That's all you can do? I've seen greater quirks from little kids!"

Annoyed, I glared at Bakugou's mocking smile. I decided to do something about it, so I raised my left hand and controlled Bakugou's steel fork. I made it so the cutlery floated in midair in front of him, and when I clenched my fist, the fork started to deform. I crushed the cutlery into a ball and pulled it to me as I grabbed the misshapen fork with my hand, looking at Bakugou with a sly smirk.

"I can crush them, too," I declared, "If you didn't know, firecrackers."

Bakugou glared at me, frustrated. After I was satisfied I got my revenge, I reformed the fork to its original state, placing it down beside Bakugou's meal.

"No way!" Kaminari gasped, "I didn't know you were able to do that, (y/n)!"

"Tell us what else you can do!" Sero proclaimed.

But I shook my head, finishing my plate of baked potatoes and beans.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Come on, (y/n)," Jirou begged, "We're bound to find out sooner or later. Why wait?"

"In that case, I guess you'll just have to make your own research."

The four of them all groaned, and I just sat there, witnessing their frustrated faces as I chuckled.

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