The Math Scandal

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Ugh! It's Monday. I have to go to school now after the weekend. I wake up and rub my eyes. I'm still so sleepy. I take a shower and brush my hair. Then I wear a black Tommy Hilfiger sweatshirt, dark blue ripped jeans and light blue Converse shoes. I apply some light make up and grab my backpack. I go downstairs and see my mother at the kitchen table.

"Good morning!", she says.

"Good morning.", I reply.

She gives me a plate with some pancakes. Then she puts blueberry sauce, honey, Nutella and jam on the table.

"What do you want?", she asks holding a knife.

"I can have Nutella.", I answer.

She spreads Nutella all over the pancake and gives me the plate.

"Thanks.", I say and start eating.

"You're welcome.", she replies. "You should go to school right after you're done."

I eat quickly, grab my backpack and go outside.

"Bye!", I yell closing the door.

"Bye bye!", my mother yells back.

U exit the house and I find my driver waiting in the white BMW. I enter the car.

"Good morning, Christopher.", I say.

"Good morning, Miss Garcia.", he says and drives off.

We arrive at school.

"See you in the afternoon.", I say and exit the car.

I arrive at school. I meet my best friend Sophie. She's the intellectual outsider of the class.

"Yo!", I say and give her a high-five.

"Hey!", she says.

We wait till the bell rings and we enter the class. We always sit in the middle of the class next to each other.

I pack my stuff out and wait for Mrs White our math teacher to start.

"Good morning, 9A.", she says.

"Good morning, Mrs White.", we all say.

She explains today's topic. I'm trying to concentrated as much as I can because I'm not that good at math. Of course she asks me.

"So Joyce, what are three nineteenth minus two fifteenth?", she asks.

"Umm... 1/100?", I ask but answer at the same time.

That was definitely a stupid answer. I'm 100% sure it isn't right.

"Hahahaha! What are one plus one?", I hear Michael yelling while laughing.

Ugh! He's super annoying.

"Michael! That's so difficult for her!", says Tyler laughing sarcastically.

"That's not very nice.", says Sophie.

"Could you solve it then, Michael and Tyler?", Mrs White asks raising an eyebrow.

They both stare at her not answering her question.

"Thanks for trying, Joyce.", she says looking at Michael and Tyler. "Can anybody solve it?", she asks.

Charles and Zoey, the class nerds raise their hands.

"Zoey!", Mrs White says.

"7/285.", Zoey says.

"Right. Thanks, Zoey.", says Mrs White.

I'm so angry about Michael and Tyler. I can't believe that Michael is with me in the club. Ugh! I'm neither concentrating nor raising my hand during the class. It's done and we have a break now.

"I'm sorry for what happened.", Sophie says while we're packing our stuff.

"It's okay. The thing is that he's with me in the club.", I say annoyed.

"You're not that easy. You'll make his life miserable for sure.", she says and laughs softly.

We both laugh and eat our breakfast

We have an English class, a science class and a history class. I'm trying to avoid Michael and Tyler. We're now done with school and it's time for the clubs.

I go to the music hall. Thank goodness Michael didn't come yet. Only Jacob and Emily are here. They're nice. Well, compared to Michael. Oh shit! What am I seeing?! Michael enters the hall.

"Hi, Miss Math-Genius Garcia.", he says sarcastically.

"Good afternoon, Mister Bigmouth Jackson.", I say sounding normal.

He doesn't give a reaction and packs his rap sheets out of his backpack. I also pack mine out.

Mr Martin enters the hall.

"Yo, Rappers!", he says and gives us all high-fives.

"Yo!", we all say.

"So, today we're just rapping. We aren't gonna learn new dance moves.", Mr Martin says.

We all nod.

"And... We're not singing original songs by us. I made a new mix with..", he looks at a paper "Eminem, 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Dr Dre and Juice WRLD.", he says.

"Wooohooo!", we all say.

"We'll be doing duets.", he says.

My stomach doesn't feel okay now. I'm praying not to be with Michael.

"So, Sebastian and Isabella, Jacob and Emily, Michael and Joyce.", Mr Martin says.

I look at Michael annoyed and he smirks.

We grab microphones and pair up. Me and Michael don't do any reactions.

"What do you wanna sing?", Michael asks.

"I thought you were the boss.", I say raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a dick for asking you. We're singing 'Remember Me?' by Eminem.", he says annoyed.

"Well, we all know you're a dick and I like this song by the way. Thank you so much.", I say coldly.

He smirks and puts the music on.

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