Things Went Too Fast

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2 months later...

It's midnight and me and Michael are sleeping. Suddenly I wake up and run to the bathroom and start vomiting like crazy. Michael wakes up and holds my hair and rubs my back. I keep vomiting.

"Please sleep.", I say.

"No!", he says.

I stop vomiting and wash my mouth.

"Ugh, I'm sorry.", I say.

"Don't say that.", he says and hugs me.

"Damn. The doctor said that the contraception thing works 99%.", I say and hide myself in the closet crying.

"Give me a sec. I'll buy a pregnancy test.", he says and rushes down to the pharmacy.

He comes and gives me the test. I run to the bathroom and test it. Michael looks so shocked. I run out of the bathroom and see the results.

It says.

I collapse and start crying like crazy. I never cried like that before.

"It's okay.", Michael says and cries. "We'll do abortion."

"I don't wanna kill this angel.", I say. "But I still don't wanna be a teenage mother. I'm only 17 and you're 19."

"We'll do that.", he says.

We go to the hospital. I get drugged and sleep. Just as I wake up, I see Michael resting his head over my hand with the needles and tubes and crying.

"You were three weeks pregnant.", he says sobbing.

I keep crying till the doctor allows us to go home. I'm still so tired because of the surgery. Michael puts me to bed and comes next to me. I keep crying and he sighs.

"What?", I ask.

"I just think things went too fast between us.", he says.

"Wait what?", I yell and get up.

He sighs.

"You're so selfish. I was the one pregnant with YOUR kid! You didn't even think that my life is ruined being a teenage mother!", I yell.

"Look, this will hurt me but I think we better be over.", he says and shakes his head.

"Look I'm not wasting my dear throat on you! I'm leaving!", I yell and run downstairs leaving the house.

Michael looks at me and starts crying. I slam the door and run to my house.

I open my front door. I didn't really miss home 'cause me and Michael always used to visit my parents on Sundays after church.

"Sweetheart, what's happening?", my mother asks me.

I don't respond but I go up to my room. I text Christopher to get all my stuff from Michael's and start crying like crazy. I loved Michael so much and it hurts so bad. Now I just think that I don't wanna see him or even hear his voice.

I hate you!
I text him.

He sees my message but doesn't reply.

Joyce! It also hurts so bad for me. I didn't want you to leave. I will always love you.
He texts after a while.

I text.

My mother brings me English tea and an English cake. My favorite food.

"Honey, can you tell me what happened and why you look so puffy?", she asks.

I hide my face with my hand and cry.

"Is it something with Michael?", she asks.

I nod.

"Did you... break up?", she asks.

I nod.

"Why?!", she asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it.", I say and continue crying in my pillow.

"Okay. Have some sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday. You shouldn't wake up so early.", she says.

Michael calls me but I decline the call.

Can you come to my place?
I text Sophie.

It's already midnight. My dad's gonna kill me.
She texts me after a while.

Can you come tomorrow morning?
I ask.

K cul8r
She texts.

Christopher comes with all my stuff and I organize them. I wear a beige long sleeved crop top and beige leggings. I don't eat the cake or drink the tea. I just don't have any appetite.

The next morning...

I didn't sleep. I spend the whole night crying.

Sophie rings the bell. My father opens the door.

"Hi, Sophie.", he says and hugs her.

"Hi, James!", she says.

He's her father's best friend.

"Where's Joyce?", she asks.

"She's upstairs in her room.", he answers.

"Okay, thanks.", she says.

She runs upstairs to my room. I'm sitting on the bed with my legs folded up to my chest and my head buried in my knees and I'm crying.

"Joyce! What's going on?!", she asks and closes the door.

"Me and Michael just broke up... Yesterday.", I say.

She hugs me.

"Why?", she asks.

"Promise don't tell it to anybody.", I say.

"I promise.", she says.

"Well, we realized that I was three weeks pregnant. I made abortion. We went home and he told me that things between us went too fast. I was so angry and I yelled at him a nod left the house. Then I told Christopher to get my things from his house because I would rather be caught dead in his house than go there again. I'm just useless.", I say and keep crying.

"No, don't say that. You're stronger than that. You're strong because you didn't break down in front of him. You're strong because you yelled at him and left him. You're strong because you did the abortion surgery. You're strong for being alive with all this shit happening to you. You're the strongest person I've ever known and I will ever know, Joyce.", she says.

"I just want it to be over.", I say and cover my face with my hands again crying.

"Don't say that!", she says and hugs me.

"I have to revenge!", I say and smirk.

"No! He'll know you're broken. You just have to act normal and don't give a fuck about him.", she says.

"Good idea!". I say and smirk.

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