The Jacksons

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This day passes so quickly. It's Friday. We finished school and the club. It's already midnight now. I see Michael getting a pill.

"Michael!", I yell.

"Yes.", he replies.

"Put this shit away!", I demand.

"I need to sleep.", he says.

"Lay down on your stomach.", I say.

"You're gonna massage me?", he asks.

"Yep, but a bit professionally this time.", I say.

"Okay!", he says.

"Can you please take your t-shirt off?", I ask.

He takes it off and lays on the bed on his stomach.

I get some massage oil and rub it on my hand. I start massaging his back now. He groans.

"Honey, is your back hurting?", I ask.

"Yes, ahhh!", he starts screaming.

"I'm sorry.", I say and kiss his head.

"It's okay. We played truth or dare yesterday and Charles had to give me a piggyback ride. You know how big Charles is.", he says laughing but still in pain.

"Damn. He's like a parachute.", I say and we both laugh.

I peck his cheek.

"Don't worry, honey. You'll feel better.", I say.

"Thanks.", he says.

"No need.", I say.

I apply some massage oil on my hands and rub them together. I start massaging his back in circular motion. He keeps moaning and groaning. Then I massage his neck. I rub his palms. I hear snoring. He's tired.

I kiss his head and whisper: "Good night, baby. I love you."

Then I sleep next to him.

The next morning...

Michael is still sleeping. I woke up 30 minutes ago. I already brushed my teeth, washed my face and took a shower. I don't wanna wake him up but I'm so bored.
I get on top of him and start playing with his Adam's apple. He's not waking up. I start kissing all over his face. He opens one eye.

"Good morning, Mikey!", I say and hug him.

"Good morning, Beautiful.", he says and hugs me back. "Did you forget what we're gonna do today?"

"Nope. We're gonna meet your family.", I say.

"Yep.", he says and gets up.

He does morning hygiene. I see him closing the door but it's cracked. He puts makeup on?! What's this?! I'm not gonna ask him though. He runs out of the bathroom and kisses me. I kiss him back.

"Let's get ready.", I say. "Should I wear something girly?"

"No, just be yourself. I love you style, babe.", he says.

"Okay..", I say.

I get a blue Nike t-shirt, tight black ripped jeans and white and blue sneakers and put them on.

"I look like an idiot. Don't I?", I ask.

"You look... gorgeous.", he says. "Let's see what I'mma wear."

He puts on a white t-shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a gray sweater.

"You look nice.", I say.

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