Happy Birthday!

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I wake up and see Michael asleep. I do morning hygiene and wear long hoodie over my pajamas and go to a flower shop. I buy a bouquet with geranium, peony, cosmos and protea. I go back to the room and find Michael still asleep. I climb on the bed and get on top of him.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Applehead! Happy birthday to you!", I sing.

He wakes up smiling.

"Good morning, babygirl.", he says.

"Good morning, love.", I say and kiss him.

He sits on the bed and rubs his eyes. I get the bouquet and give it to him.

"Happy birthday!", I say.

"Awww, thanks.", he says and hugs me.

I hug him back and kiss his cheek. He runs to the bathroom and comes back after a few minutes. We sit together in the bed.

"What do you wanna do today?", I ask.

"I don't know. That was the best wake-up I had.", he says and tears up with joy.

I hug him tightly and rub his back gently.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you more.", he says.

"Well, one sec.", I say.

I wear a long hoodie and run down to the hotel. I ask about good bakeries and wrote some of their names. I go to the nearest one and order a cake for four pm. I run back to Michael.

"What were you doing?", he asks.

"Nothing.", I say.

"Nothing?", he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Do you wanna go to the pool?", I ask.

"Umm. Okay. Is everything alright?", he asks.

"Yeah.", I say.

I wear a blue bandeau, a beige fedora and black sunglasses. I don't wear a coverup since the pool is private for us on the roof. Michael wears black swim shorts and black sunglasses. We go upstairs to the private pool. We lay down the loungers. He holds my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. He take it and kisses it. I rub his hand with my thumb gently. I get the sunscreen and squirt some of the on my hand.

"Turn around!", I say.

Michael gives me his back and I put the sunscreen on his back. Then he continues putting it all over his body. I also put sunscreen on me and we wait for a bit. We go to the pool and he picks me up. We keep kissing and hugging while he's turning us around. Suddenly he throws me in the pool and starts laughing.

"I'll kill you!", I say and laugh.

I splash him with water and he splashed back. We keep splashing and fooling. I look at my watch and see it's 3.47 pm.

"I'll get something from the room.", I say.

I go down to the room and wear a dress over my swimsuit. I run to the bakery and get the cake. It looks great! It's white and says 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!'. It also has music notes since Michael loves music. It's small since we're just two. I go back to the hotel and don't see Michael in the room. I go to the pool and find him. He's under the water. I put the cake on a table and light some candles.

"Mike!", I yell so he can hear my underwater.

He gets up and looks at the cake. He dries himself and runs to me. He hugs me tightly and kisses me.

"Thank you so much.", he says.

"No need.", I say and kiss his cheek.

Michael cuts the cake and we eat it.

"Joyce. I really don't know what to say. Thank you.", he says.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you more.", he says.

He picks me up and keeps kissing me sweetly. I also kiss him.

"Well, we still have some badass costumes left.", I say and smirk.

"Yeah.", he says and smirks. "Don't make me horny."

I bite my lip. I can see his dick garden through his tight swim shorts. He can't wait. He carries me bridal style and gets our stuff. He goes to the bathroom.

"Pick one and wear it.", he demands.

"K.", I say.

I wear a red bra tied in a red garter. I let my hair down and stand in front of him. He bites his lip and gets even harder. He pulls me to the bed and covers us with the blankets. He buries his face in my neck. He keeps kissing. Then he bites there. I suck my teeth.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. You're the birthday boy. You should be pleased.", I say and smirk.

I get on top of him still under the blankets and start kissing him. His hands wander all over my body. I keep kissing till I reach his shorts. I take his dick out and start stroking it while he's moaning softly.

"Fuck me.", he moans.

"Be patient, Jackson.", I say and smirk.

I kiss the top of it and lick it. I start licking and sucking it. He keeps moaning.

"I'm sorry. I can't.", he says.

He picks me roughly and takes my garter off. He also takes my bra off and keeps kissing all over my body. He inserts himself in to me and I moan. He's so hard. We keep fucking so hard. He's very good at it. He flips us and now he's on top of me. He thrusts faster and deeper. I moan and scream his name. I dig my nails in his back and keep breathing in his neck. Soon I feel his hot orgasm inside of me. He catches his breaths and fucks me till I orgasm. We lay next to each other catching breaths. He pulls me closer to him and kisses my head.

"I love you so much.", he says.

"I love you more.", I say and kiss his lips.

I rest my head on his chest and listen to his fast heartbeats. We shower together. Then we go back to bed and keep cuddling till we sleep.

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