Couple Goals

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"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.", Michael says.

I smile still closing my eyes.

"Yes, Prince Phillip", I say and giggle.

He leans over and kisses me. I get up and do morning hygiene.

"Guess what'll we do today.", he says.

"Yes?", I ask.

"Chill.", he says and giggles.

"Well, we need to apply for college, silly.", I say.

"We can just do it online.", he says.

"Okay.", I say. "Why don't we go to the gym?"

"Good idea.", he says.

Michael is in red sweatpants. I'm still in my pajamas. I walk to him and hold his torso. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. I wear a white sports bra, white sweatpants and white sneakers. I tie my hair up in a Pineapple and spray deodorant. I look at Michael. He looks good in a white t-shirt, black shorts and white sneakers with his hair tied in a messy ponytail. I take my white gym bag and Michael takes his black gym bag. First we have gym breakfast which is blueberry smoothies. Then we walk to the gym which is a couple of blocks away from the house.

"What will you be working on today?", I ask.

"Chest.", he says. "You?"

"Back.", I say.

We workout.

My workout:
Standing curls
Chest supported rows
Incline curls
Cable curls

Michael's workout:
Barbell bench presses
Pec flies
Dumbbell incline bench presses
Low-to-high cable flies
Weighted dips
Dumbbell pullovers

This was a pretty rough workout for both of us. We're kind of used to it though. Me and Michael are so exhausted now. We lean on each other while we walk back home. Michael gets the house keys from his bag and opens the door. We get in.

"Ahh, my body hurts.", he says.

"Me too.", I say. "I'll make the breakfast."

"No. Joyce, you're tired.", he says.

"Baby, you're tired too.", I say. "Just sit down."

"Okay. I'll help you make the smoothie because I don't know how to make them.", he says.

"Thanks.", I say and give him a peck on the lips.

We make strawberry smoothies. We sit in the living room while we drink them.

"I missed these vibes.", I say.

"Me too.", he says.

"Having a broken leg ruins everything.", I say.

He kisses my cheek. We finish the smoothies. Each of us get our laptops and we apply for college. We have pretty good degrees.

"They'll tell me tomorrow if I'll get accepted.", I say.

"Me too.", he says.

"I'm worried.", I say.

He hugs me and I hug him back.

"My body hurts me so bad.", I say.

"I have a good idea.", he says.

"That makes me worried.", I tease him.

"We'll get two masseuses come here.", he says.

"When?", I ask.

"Now.", he says.

"Are you crazy?", I ask.

"I'll tell La Toya to bring them.", he says.

"Okay.", I say.

He makes a phone call with La Toya.

"See how great of a boyfriend you have. They'll be there in 10.", he says.

"Thanks.", I say and kiss him sweetly. "Well, it's already 4 pm. Time for the smoothies."

Michael helps me do banana peach smoothies. After a few minutes we hear the doorbell ring. Michael opens it and we see two girls standing. They're having so many bags. Of course because Michael is a gentleman, he carried some bags.

"Hello, Mr Jackson. We're the masseuses.", a girl says.

"Come on in.", he says and steps aside.

They go in.

"Well, I'm Camila.", a girl says.

"And I'm Gianna.", the other girl says.

"Where would you like to have the massage? I advise you it should be something soothing.", Camila says.

Me and Michael debate for a few seconds.

"Can it be in the backyard?", Michael asks.

"Sure.", Camila says.

We go to the backyard. Michael helps Gianna unfold the massage beds while I set the mood with Camila. We put pillows and curtains and the atmosphere is very soothing now. At least we're 100% sure than nobody will see us since it's in the backyard and it's private.

"Please take your clothes off and wrap the towels around you.", Gianna says.

Each of us goes to a bathroom. I undress myself and wrap the towel around my torso. I go outside to the backyard and se Michael with the towel around his waist. We lay on our stomach on the bed. The ladies put the towels around our lower torsos. Me and Michael put our heads in each other's direction and close our eyes. They massage our, necks, lower heads, shoulder areas, upper backs, backs, spines, lower backs, hips, thighs, upper legs, knees, lower legs, calfs, feet, ankles, heels, upper arms, lower arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingertips. During the massage I can hear Michael letting out unnoticeable moans which I only noticed. We dress up back and pay the ladies. They go away after telling us multiple times to keep relaxed. Just as they go out I kiss Michael passionately.

"Thanks.", I say.

"I love you.", he says.

"I love you more.", I say.

"Well, let's watch the notebook.", Michael says.

"Alright.", I say.

I make us cucumber smoothies while Michael gets the movie at the bedroom. I go upstairs. We keep cuddling, kissing and crying during the movie. The movie is really good. It ends. My eyes start to get heavy. I rest my head on his chest and look in Michael's eyes.

"I love you with every beat in my heart.", he says.

"I love you more than anything.", I say and fall asleep.

This was a great day. We completed all couple goals. Lol!

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