Truth Or Dare?

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I walk to my house. I find my parents sitting at the kitchen table.

"Joyce! Are you okay?", my mother asks concerned and hugs me tightly.

I wasn't expecting this reaction. I thought she'll yell at me and punish me.

"We're so sorry, Joyce for being so overprotective.", my father says and hugs me.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for running away.", I say and cry.

"It doesn't matter. Thank god you're okay.", my mother says.

"Go have some good sleep.", my father says.

"Okay. Thanks.", I say and go upstairs to my room.

My phone beeps. It's Michael.

How's it going with your parents?
He texts.

Everything's alright! Yay! They aren't sad. I can't believe it :)
I reply.

That sounds great!!!!!
He texts.

Thanks for caring 😘
I text.

Ily bae ♥️
He texts.

I smile at my phone.

Ily more ♥️♥️♥️
I text back.

He texts.

Sweet dreams 😽
I text.

"I've been standing here for ten minutes and you're jaw probably hurts from smiling.", my mother says.

"What?!", I ask shocked.

"It's okay. Is it a boy you're texting?", she asks.

"Umm...", I say.

"It's okay. I won't be mad.", she says.

"Well, yes.", I say.

"So you mind telling me who he is?", she asks.

"He's Michael.", I say.

"Michael the boy who was bullying you since second grade?", she asks frustrated.

"Well, yeah.", I answer.

"How?", she asks.

"Things have.... been better.", I say.

"Okay.", she says smiling.

"I wanna tell you something.", I say. "If you won't be mad.", I add.

"Yeah?", she asks.

"I'm having a date with Michael tomorrow.", I say.

"Where?", she asks smirking.

"At Pacific Park.", I answer.

"That'll be good.", she says smirking.

"You're not mad?!", I ask and giggle

"No, not at all.", she answers smiling.

"Okay, thanks. Good night.", I say.

"Night!", she says, closes the light and the door then exits the room.

The next morning...

I wake up so late because my phone is ringing. I answer it without even seeing who's calling.

"Yo! It's Joyce. Who's calling?", I ask.

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