My Girl

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"Joyce! Wake up. We're landing.", I hear Michael say.

I wake up and pull my sleeping mask off. I look around and realize that we're in the plane. I hold Michael's hand because the plane bumps when it lands. He looks at me and kisses me.

"Are you feeling better?", he asks.

"Yeah.", I say.

We get out of the plane and stamp the passports.

"Well, we're going to the hotel first.", he says suspiciously.

"What are you preparing?", I ask and giggle.

"You'll see.", he says and smirks.

We take a limo to the hotel. Michael insists to carry the bags. We go to the elevator to see our room. I look at it and see it full of flowers and it's very romantic. We close the door and I kiss him. He kisses me back passionately.

"Thank you, baby.", I say and hug him.

He hugs me back and kisses me.

"Let's check the room out.", he says.

We see the bathroom, kitchenette and the balcony. It's all set romantic.

"When did you plan for everything to be so romantic?", I ask.

"A long time ago.", he says.

"I was just your best friend.", I say.

"I knew you won't reject it.", he says and giggles.

"Big head.", I say and nudge him playfully.

"Guess what we're doing today.", he says.

"What?", I ask excited.

"We're gonna chill in the pool and at night we're going to a bar.", he says.

"Okay. Thank you, Mikey.", I say and hug him.

"I love you.", he whispers.

"I love you too.", I say.

Suddenly Michael closes all the windows and curtains. I look at him and smirk. I closes the lights and gets us wine. He puts it on the nightstand. He carries me bridal style and throws me on the bed. He takes my dress off.

"Ooh, you're wearing nipple pasties.", he says and takes them off.

He takes my heels off. I take his jacket off and unbutton his shirt. I take it off and take his boots and pants off. Now we're only in our underwear. He gets on top of me and keeps kissing me roughly.

"Oh shit! I don't have any condoms.", he says.

"I'm on the pill.", I say.

"Why?", he asks.

"It helps me with my period.", I say.

He presses his body against mine. We enjoy our lovemaking for 20 more minutes till we're so tired and exhausted. We lay down next to each other panting. I reach for his hand to hold. He holds it and interlocks his fingers with mine. I keep remembering what he did before. This really makes me feel so unwell. I just don't wanna be so moody.

"Let's go to the pool. We have a private pool for both of us in the roof.", he says.

"Okay.", I say and peck his lips.

I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom while Michael is still catching his breaths. I wear an orange bikini and sandals and go out to Michael. He bites his lip and goes to the bathroom. He takes a few minutes and comes out in black swim shorts. He holds my waist and we go upstairs to our private pool. There are candles, wine and flowers. It's also a romantic atmosphere. I put some sunscreen and give Michael some. We jump in the pool and Michael carries me. He keeps moving while I'm sitting on his arms. I keep kissing him. We get some wine and drink.

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