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"Well, let's get started.", he says and smirks.

He carries me bridal style upstairs to his bedroom and puts me on the bed.

"Michael!", I call.

"Yeah.", he says.

"I'm on my period.", I say.

"That's not a problem.", he says.

He goes to the bathroom and turns the water on. Then he winks at me to come in. I go in. He starts kissing me softly and passionately. Then he starts going down to my neck. He licks, kisses and sucks it. I can't help but moan. Then he takes my blue hoodie off and I'm only in my turquoise bra and black ripped jeans. He starts kissing all the way to my boobs. I start moaning louder when he starts to unhook my bra and rubs my boobs.

He starts kissing my nipples and sucking them. I couldn't help but take his t-shirt off and kiss his neck. Now both of us are half naked. He kisses all the way down to my stomach till he reaches my pants. He takes my pants off and my underwear then leads me to the shower. He also takes his pants off and his underwear.

"What the....?!", I say as I see his mikezilla and swallow.

"Are you on a pill?", he asks.

I shake my head. He opens a drawer and takes a condom out. He tries to put it on but he can't because he's too big.

"Can you help me please?", he asks embarrassed.

I take the condom and hold his penis. He looks at me and I feel him getting bigger. Damn! He's getting hard for me! I put the condom and pull him in to the shower. He puts his tongue near my vagina.

"Can we do oral after my period?", I ask frightened.

"Why?", he asks and gets up.

"I don't feel comfortable with this on my period.", I say. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, babygirl.", he says and kisses me.

I hug him feeling his hard shaft on my wet punani.

"May I?", he asks and looks at me up and down.

I nod. He inserts his huge dick in my pussy and looks in to my eyes comforting me.

"Mmmmh.", I moan softly and giggle.

"You're beautiful.", he says and kisses me.

I kiss him back and he continues thrusting in me slowly. I throw my head to the back in pleasure and moan loudly.

Michael sees I'm enjoying it. He carries me. I wrap my legs around his waist and he picks his pace. It's hurting but I don't want to let him down. He keeps thrusting so quickly under the hot water and I moan so loudly and suck my teeth. I can't anymore. I scream.

"Uhh, Michael, can you please lower your pace?", I ask and cry.

"Of course, babygirl. I'm sorry.", he says and wipes my tears away.

He thrusts in me slower. It feels so good. I can't do anything but moan: "Mmmh", "Michael", "Yeah", "Fuck" and "Shit".

"Mmmmh. You feel so good.", he says and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm going to cum.", we both say.

I cum and Michael moans and screeches. I can't feel his orgasm because he's wearing a condom. We keep panting and he hugs me still fully naked under the shower.

"Maybe you should be on any kind of contraception.", he says still not breaking the hug.

"Yeah, definitely.", I say and hug him tighter. "Let's get out. We have school tomorrow."

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