What Do You Want Now?!

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I hear alarms ringing. Ugh! I should walk up early again. I take a quick shower. Then I put on a white tight top, some blue ripped jeans and white sneakers. I tuck the top in and apply some light makeup. I grab my backpack and go downstairs. I open the door and I'm going out.

"You're not having breakfast?", my mother says.

"Sorry I have to go to the library early.", I say and go out.

Christopher is waiting for me.

"Good morning, Christopher!", I say smiling.

"Good morning, Miss Garcia.", he says.

We arrive at school.

"Have a nice day, Miss Garcia.", Christopher says.

"Thanks, you too.", I say and get out.

I go to the library. I go to the poetry section. I like poems. They help me with writing my rap songs. Oh, shit! Michael is in the poetry section. He's never at the library. Wtf! Maybe I should try to be nice. I walk to the bookshelf which he's looking at.

"Good morning, Michael.", I say.

"Good morning.", he says not even looking at me.

"Which book are you searching for? I can help you if you want.", I ask.

"Did I ask you?", he asks angrily.

"Fuck!", I mumble and storm off.

"Good morning, Michael and Joyce.", I hear Mr Martin saying.

"Good morning, Mr Martin.", I say.

Michael isn't giving any reaction.

"I'm happy seeing you here. You seem to be very good friends.", Mr Martin says smiling.

Me and Michael look at each other.

Mr Martin walks away and I looks at the books.

"Michael!", I hear Tyler saying.

What?! I can't stand Michael and Tyler together.

"Good morning, Miss Einstein.", Tyler says.

"Good morning, Mr Super-Funny.", I say not looking amused.

"Let's just leave Miss Popularity alone.", Michael says and they both laugh.

I ignore them and go to class. Ugh I have Spanish.

"Buenos días.", Mrs Morales our Spanish teacher says.

"Buenos días.", we all say.

I'm actually very good at Spanish. I have then a P.E. class, an art class then a computer class.

I'm done with school. I don't have to go to the club today. So I go home and sleep all afternoon.

Sorry for talking so rude to u at the library.
I wake up from this message.

How did u get my phone number?
I ask him.

I'm on the Hip-Hop/Rap group.
He texts me.

Ok. And btw why r u apologizing?! U never apologize to anybody.
I ask.

R u free?
He asks.

I reply.

C u at Starbucks in 15.
He texts.

I reply.

I wear a brown t-shirt, some light boyfriends jeans, a yellow jacket and yellow-black sneakers.

I drive my bike to Starbucks and I find Michael in a blue sweatshirt, some gray boyfriend jeans and black sneakers.

"Yo!", we both say.

I feel Michael wrapping his arms around me and hugging me. I'm not hugging him back. He's one of the most people I hate in the world.

"Let's go order.", I say.

"What would you like to order?", a man asks.

"I would like to order a Strawberries N' Creme Frappuccino.", I say and look at Michael.

"Umm.. I could have a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino.", he says.

Why is he so polite?!

"I'll pay.", Michael says.

"No!", I say.

"Shut up.", he says.

"Look, I can't even stand being here with you.", I say.

"Damn.", he mumbles.

We both pay for our drinks and sit down.

"The fuck you want?", I ask looking annoyed.

"I wanna talk to you about something.", he says.

I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to talk.

"Well, I know I'm such an asshole. Especially yesterday and today morning.", he says.

"And?", I ask.

"Me and Tyler really aren't friends and I don't have any friends.", he says.

"Come on you hang out with him a lot!", I say.

"I'm just...", he says but doesn't continue.

"I think I have to go. When you make your mind about what you wanna say then text me. Thank you so much.", I say a bit rudely and get away.

"Fuck you!", he yells.

I point at him with my middle finger and exit Starbucks.

I ride my bike home and do my homework quickly.

"Where were you?", my father says entering my room.

"I was with Michael at Starbucks.", I answer.

"With Michael?!", he asks. "I thought you hated him.", he says.

"I hate him.. VERY MUCH!", I say.

"What happened?", he asks.

"I don't really wanna talk about it.", I say.

"Okay, we can talk later. Good night!", he says.

"Good night, Dad!", I say.

He gives me a hug.

"James!", I hear my mother yelling from downstairs.

"Uhh, it's your mother. Good night, baby.", he says and gets out.

"Good night.", I say and laugh softly.

He gets out and I bury myself under my blanket. I'm starting to tear up. Michael is such an asshole.

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