The Principal's Office

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We go to bed. Me and Michael sleep next to each other as 'best friends again' (nothing sexual). He lays on his back and I rest my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder.

"Good night, Señorita.", Michael says and kisses my forehead.

"Good night.", I say and hold him tightly feeling safe.

"You're still scared?", he asks.

I nod and hold him tighter.

"As long as I am here nobody can ever touch you.", he says.

"It's so weird. I'm always scared but when I'm with you I just feel safe.", I say.

He kisses my head and we fall asleep.

In the next morning...

"Wake up, Sleepyhead!", I hear Michael yelling on top of me and shaking me.

I moan. "Good morning, Buddy.", I say and peck his lips. "Damn it! I'm sorry. In our family when two people are close friends it's o-"

"It's okay. We do that in my family, too.", Michael says cutting me off and giggling because of my embarrassment. "I didn't actually think that you do this, too."

"Neither did I.", I say.

"Your lips will get so tired.", he jokes and giggles.

"Yours, too.", I say and giggle.

He pecks my lips and gets off the bed. He pulls my leg and makes me fall off the bed.

"Now I'm sure you're awake.", he says and laughs.

"Why did you wake me up at 9?!", I ask.

"We're going to the principal.", he says.

"This will be SO awkward.", I say.

"We really should do this.", he says.

I roll my eyes. I do morning hygiene and wear a white pullover, skinny jeans, red long boots and a red jacket. I apply some makeup and spray some perfume. I go outside the bathroom and see Michael in a red button up shirt, black pants, white socks, black loafers and a black fedora and his hair is tied in a ponytail. He puts his makeup away and sprays some perfume.

"You're so formal.", we both say at the same time.

We giggle.

"You look so handsome though.", I say and hug him.

"You also look so beautiful.", he says and hugs me.

"Joyce! Michael! We should go!", my father yells from downstairs.

We go downstairs. My mother is wearing a white button up shirt, black pants, pink heels and a black blazer. My father is wearing a white button up shirt, gray pants, a brown belt, brown loafers and a blue blazer. We all look so formal.

"Let's get going.", my father says.

Christopher is waiting outside for us. My father sits next to him. I sit in the middle of my mother and Michael.

"Good morning, Ms, Mrs and Mr Garcia and Mr Jackson.", Christopher says.

"Good morning.", we say.

We arrive at school and head to the principal's office. He's waiting for us.

"Good morning, Mr Wright.", my father says.

"Good morning, Mr Garcia.", he says and shakes his hand. "You can have a seat here.", he tells us.

He already prepared four chairs for us in front of his desk. My mother sits on the left. I sit next to her. Michael sits next to me and my dad next to Michale on the right.

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