As His Girlfriend

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"Hey, Joyce! Mom woke up!", Harper says sounding happy.

"Oh my god! Really?", I ask.

"Yes! She even asked about you.", she says.

"I'm coming.", I say and hang up.

"What?", Michael asks worried.

"Aunt Linda woke up.", I say.

I hug him and grab his face kissing him. He kisses me back. Mark shoots a dirty look but I just ignore him.

"Let's go now.", he says.

He grabs my waist and drives us to the hospital. We arrive there and run to Linda's room. We see Linda sitting on the bed talking with the family.

"Joyce!", Aunt Linda says smiling.

"Oh my god! Lindy! How do you feel?", I ask.

"Good as ever.", she says smiling.

I run to her and hug her tightly. She hugs me back. Michael also hugs her and she hugs him back. My family really loves Michael. Of course except for Robert. She kisses Michael's cheek and he kisses her forehead and strokes through her hair.

"Baby boy, I missed you.", she says not pulling off.

"I missed you too, darling.", he says. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You look handsome. Just like always.", she says smiling.

Sometimes I feel like my family loves Michael more than they love me. That doesn't bother me though. Well, all of the old ladies in my family love him because he treats them so special. They don't love him sexually or romantically. They just feel loved and appreciated. Of course all the children also love him so much. He kisses her hair while I greet the rest. He also greets the rest and we sit next to each other. Robert keeps looking at us annoyingly. Just as I'm about to open my mouth I get interrupted by Jack. I guess he had notices that I got mad.

"So, did you enjoy your vacation together in Maldives?", Jack asks.

Me and Michael look at each other and exchange a smirk.

"Yes. We did. It was so... fun.", I say.

Jack, Chloe and Samuel look at me and smirk. I wink. We keep chatting till Alice comes in the room. Of course she runs to Michael first.

"Applehead!", she says loudly and hugs him tightly.

"Ali!", he says and hugs her back.

She kisses his cheek and he kisses her head.

"I missed you, Applehead!", she says still not pulling off.

"I missed you too, princess.", he says.

She hugs me and hugs everyone in the room. Nobody had a hug as big and tight as Michael. We keep joking and talking. Of course the most one who's made fun of is me. I don't have a problem with it because I know that my family loves me. Soon we realize that it's already night. She'll go back to her home tomorrow. We leave her to rest.

"Joyce.", Michael calls.

"Yes.", I say.

"Can we sleep over together at the Jackson's house today?", he asks.

I look at him confused.

"I mean as my girlfriend.", he adds.

"Sure. I'll just go home and get some stuff.", I say.

Michael drives us home and helps me pack my bag. He drives us to the Jackson's mansion. I think he had already told his siblings. We ring the door bell. Katherine opens. She hugs me and I hug her back.

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