Feel Sexy

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"Really?", I ask in a seductive way.

"Mhmm.", he hums and gets closer to me.

He sits on his knees in front of me and starts kissing me. I kiss him back. He deepens the kiss. Then he buries his face in my neck while I moan softly. He slides my nightgown up and kisses my breasts.

"They're leaking again.", he says and smirks.

He starts licking them and sucking them. I moan loudly. He keeps getting down till he reaches my womanhood. He starts kissing it. Then he licks it and sucks it while I moan like crazy.

"I'll give you the best feeling in the world.", he says.

"Mhmm.", I moan.

"I want you to thrust slowly.", he says.

I thrust slowly and he inserts a finger in my womanhood. He starts fingering fast while I'm thrusting slowly. This is an incredible feeling. I moan loudly till I feel something bigger thrusting in me. He's thrusting so fast.

"Don't go so rough on me.", I say and giggle.

"Well, I'll try.", he says and smirks. "You look so sexy."

He pushes himself against me and stops inside me. I moan loudly and dig my nails in his back. He keeps thrusting till we both orgasm. We lay next to each other panting.

"Now do you feel sexy?", he asks.

"Hell yeah. Thanks, baby.", I say and kiss him.

"I love you.", he says.

"I love you more.", I say.

He kisses my stomach and pulls the nightgown back down. I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. He holds me tightly and kisses my forehead.

"Good night, my queen.", he says.

"Good night, my king.", I say and kiss his chest.

He keeps stroking through my hair till I fall asleep.

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