Trust In Me

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My alarm wakes me up. I do morning hygiene. I take a quick shower and wear a black t-shirt, tucked in black flare jeans, black combat boots and a brown madras-patterned coat. I apply some light makeup and spray some perfume. I grab my backpack and go to the kitchen to make myself a smoothie but see Michael shirtless making himself a smoothie.

"Good morning.", he says.

"Hey.", I say.

"I made you a smoothie.", he says.

"Yeah. I appreciate it.", I say and drink it.

"Joyce, I'm sorry.", he says.

"I have to go to college now. Goodbye.", I say and leave quickly.

I see my black BMW parked next to Michael's white Alfa Romeo. Well, I'm now allowed to drive my car by myself since I'm already in college. I get in and drive to college. I get to the lecture and of course Mr Roberts stares at me. I make a face and go to the last row where my best friend and the only friend I only made at college is. Kayla Irene Gomez. I usually call her Kay-Kay. Of course Sophie is still my best friend but I don't get to see her a lot because of college. Michael had also made a friend at college. Also a bully like him. He's just so sw-. Why am I thinking about him?!

"Hey, Kay-Kay.", I say.

"Hi, Joy.", she says. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah.", I say.

Then Mr Roberts gets in. He glanced at me and smiles. I look at him with a blank face. The lecture goes on and he keeps smiling at me. Kayla and a few other students had noticed it. I think Michael was kind of right but I still don't think he had said it in a right way. Well, the lecture is now ending.

"Please don't forget the assignments. Do it as well as Joyce does it.", he says and smiles at me.

Kayla giggles and I rolls my eyes. We get out and I see Michael standing right next to the door. Of course many girls try to flirt with him but he doesn't give a reaction.

"Hey, Joyce and Kayla.", he says.

Kayla and Michael hug. Well, if we didn't have this argument yesterday I would also have hugged him.

"Well, I'll go now.", Kayla says.

I hug her goodbye and she goes away.

"Can you please listen to me?", he asks.

"What do you want?", I ask.

Mr Roberts gets out of the class.

"Goodbye, Joyce.", he says.

"Goodbye, Mr Roberts.", I say.

"You can call me Arthur.", he says.

"Pardon?", Michael asks and scoffs.

"You are?", Mr Roberts asks.

"Michael Jackson. Her boyfriend.", he says.

"You're Joseph Jackson's son?", he asks.

"Yes.", he says.

"He was with me at campus. Do you also study business?", he asks.

"Yes.", he says.

"Well, I got to go.", he says. "Bye, Joyce and Michael."

We don't even bother to say goodbye and he goes away. Michael looks at me angrily.

"What?", I ask and cross my arms.

"This creature makes me mad.", he says.

"Me too.", I say.

"Can we go home now and talk?", he asks.

"Okay.", I say.

We go out. I go to my car and he goes to his. We drive back home. We get in and take our shoes off and backpacks. We sit together on the couch.

"I'm sorry.", we say at the same time.

"No, I am sorry.", he says. "I didn't have to remind you of Mr King's thing. It was very unnecessary. It's just I get jealous of him."

"Michael, I'm also sorry for ruining the date and for being so damn rude. You know I don't like him even one bit.", I say.

"You forgive me?", he asks.

"Yes. Do you forgive me?", I ask.

"Yes.", he says.

He hugs me tightly and I hug him back. I can feel him smile in my hair. He kisses my head.

"Do you wanna have our special date today?", he asks.

"Yes. If you want to.", I say.

"I do. What will be the theme?", I ask.

"Red.", he says.

"Okay.", I say and give him a soft kiss on the lips.

Michael goes to the guests' room to get himself ready. I go to our bedroom. I take a quick shower and towel dry my hair. I brush my brown short curly hair and let it down. I wear a red off-shoulder long-sleeved bodycon dress and transparent heels. I decide to keep my makeup simple so I just do it all pinkish.

Open the door xx

I open the door and see Michael in a red button up shirt, tucked in red pants, a red blazer and black ankle boots. His hair is tied in a messy ponytail. (Blood on the dance floor).

"You look stunning.", he says.

"You look very handsome.", I say.

He puts his hand on my waist and we go to the dancing hall. It's all red themed. He got red wine and red macaroons. Even when he closes the lights the dim lights are red so it makes everything in the room look red. Michael leads me to the middle and turns on the classical music. He holds my waist with both hands and I put my hands on his shoulders. We start swaying. We look in each other's eyes and move closer letting our bodies touch.

"I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean to be so rude.", I say.

"It's okay. I started.", he says.

"I just want you to trust in me.", I say.

"I trust in you.", he says. "I hated sleeping alone yesterday."

"Me too.", I say softly.

Michael walk to the table and gets two glasses of red wine. He gives me one.

"Thank you.", I say.

He kisses my cheek.

Now we're dancing only holding each other with one hand and the other hand has the wine glass.

"I actually wanted to tell you something which I shouldn't tell but I just wanna know if you're okay with it.", he says.

"Yes?", I ask.

"I'm planning to uhh.."

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