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I wake up feeling sweet kisses all over my face. I smile but keep my eyes shut.

"Good morning, princess.", he says.

"Good morning, love.", I say and peck his lips.

I run to the bathroom and do morning hygiene. I go back and see Michael shirtless.

"You couldn't take it.", I say and laugh.

He nods and laughs.

"Well, get ready for the massage.", he says. 

I wear a pink and white floral-patterned bikini, a white coverup and flip-flops. I walk out and see him in yellow and blue striped swim shorts, a white t-shirt and flip-flops. He holds my waist and we go to the massaging room. It also has the same romantic atmosphere. Michael takes his t-shirt off and I take my coverup off. We lay on the massage beds. Two girls come in. We sit on the beds. They look Thai.

"Hello. I'm May.", a girl says in foreign accent.

"And I'm Ploy.", the other girl says. "Please lay down."

We lay down on our stomach and we look in each other's eyes. May goes to Michael and Ploy comes to me.

"May I take your top off?", she asks.

"Yes.", I answer.

She unclasps my bikini top and Michael looks at me and bites his lip. She takes it off and the girls start massaging us with massaging oils. A moan escapes from Michael's mouth. They keep massaging our backs and then they massage our feet. We're done now. I wear my bikini top and we wear our clothes back. Michael holds my waist and we go outside.

"Thanks, love.", I say and peck his lips.

He hugs me and I hug him back.

"Well, let's go to the beach. This is one of the best beaches in the world and we didn't swim in them yet.", he says.

"Okay. One sec.", I say.

I also want to surprise Michael. I walk to a desk near the beach where we can book beach activities. I book a canoe for us and run back to Michael.

"Mikey! I have a surprise for you.", I say.

"What is it?", he asks.

"Come!", I say.

We go to the desk and the guy there already knows me.

"Well, let's go canoeing.", I say.

"Joyce, you really shouldn't have-", he says.

"Dude, come on!", I say.

"Okay, thanks, baby.", he says.

I kiss him and he kisses me back. We go on the canoe and get the rows.

"Okay. That's risky.", he says and giggles.

We keep canoeing till a strong wave hit us. We fall from the canoe and start laughing. Michael gets back up and helps me get on the canoe. I keep shaking.

"That was cold.", I say.

He hugs me though he's also wet but just feeling him on my body makes me feel warm. He kisses my head.

"Take a deep breath.", he says quickly and pushes me back in the water.

"I'll kick your ass.", I say.

"We'll see in the bedroom.", he says and smirks.

I get on the canoe and hit him playfully.

"Okay. I'm getting so cold.", I say.

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