I'm So Proud Of You

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3 and a half years later...

Graduation is today. Well, for me. Michael had already graduated a week ago. It was great! I'm now getting ready. I take a quick shower and brush my hair. I won't wear a girly outfit. I wear a white blazer without anything underneath, white pants and white sparkly heels. I apply bronze makeup and spray my signature perfume. I look at Michael. He's in a white button up shirt, black pants, black loafers and a black blazer. He has a few buttons unbuttoned and his hair is tied in a ponytail. I walk over to him and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses my head.

"You look handsome.", I say.

"You look beautiful!", he says checking me out. "Don't you wanna wear a dress?"

"What? Is it bad?", I ask frightened.

"No. No. It's amazing. I was just asking.", he says.

"I don't wanna look girly.", I say.

"Okay.", he says and hugs me.

I hug him back for forever. We pull off and start kissing. After five minutes of our making out gets interrupted by my mother opening the bedroom door.

"Damn!", I mumble.

"Sorry. I was just saying that we need to go now.", she says.

"Mary, you look like you're 18.", Michael says.

She smiles. Well, she really looks good. She's in a leopard-patterned v-neck short-sleeved blouson, a yellow belt, yellow heels and a beige handbag. Then she pulls Michael for a hug and he hugs her back.

"Hey, children!", Katherine says and comes in.

She's in a white floral sheath dress, red heels and a red handbag.

"Katy, you look beautiful!", I say.

She hugs me and I hug her back.

"Where are Joseph and James?", Michael asks.

"They're already waiting in the car. Let's go now.", Katherine says.

We go to the car and drive to college. We have our graduation party. I spot Kayla looking bothered.

"Hey, Kay-Kay. What's going on?", I ask.

"That jerk named Caleb was texting Brooklyn.", she says.

"What did he text her?", I ask.

"I didn't see. But she texted him 'Hahaha you're so funny.'", she says.

"She's a house wrecker!", I say. "Don't let that bother you. Caleb's a nice guy."

"Okay. I'll go talk to him.", she says.

I walk over to Michael who's speaking to Dylan. He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey, babe.", he says and kisses my cheek.

"We're planning on clubbing today. Riley's coming and Mike was about to ask you if you wanna come.", he says.

"Sure.", I say and wrap my arm around Michael waist.

Dylan sees his girlfriend and excuses himself. Michael pulls me closer to him and kisses me softly.

"I'm so proud of you.", he says.

I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"We're actually going to the airport right after we finish clubbing.", he says

"Airport?", I ask.

"We're going to Cinque Terre, Italy.", he says.

I hug him and kiss him sweetly.

"4 days.", he says.

"Thank you.", I say.

"I'm so proud of you.", he says.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you more.", he says and kisses me.

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