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A few weeks had passed when me and Michael talked about having children. I wake up next to Michael. I look at the clock and it's still 2 am. I feel a cramp in my stomach. It's not that bad. It's getting worse. I start crying in pain and Max, my dog starts barking.

"Ahh!", I scream.

Michael gets up shocked and opens the lights.

"Sorry.", I say and sigh.

"Joyce, why are you crying and screaming?", he asks.

"My stomach is cramping.", I say crying.

He feels on my stomach and massages it gently. I wince in pain and he kisses my forehead.

"I'll make you a chamomile tea.", he says.

"Thanks. I'll make it myself. You just woke up. I'm sorry.", I say.

"Don't be silly. Your stomach will hurt even more if you get up. I'm making the tea. Woe to you get up and come to the kitchen.", he says and giggles.

I giggle and hug him. He kisses my forehead and leaves the bedroom. He comes a few minutes with a tray. On the tray is a cup of chamomile tea and a small plate with peaches. He puts the gray on my lap and kisses my lips sweetly.

"Thank you.", I say.

"I love you.", he says.

"I love you more.", I say.

He kisses my cheek and puts a piece of peach in my mouth.

"Are you serious?", I ask and laugh softly.

"You will drink this all and eat this all. Don't be a pain in the ass.", he says.

I throw a pillow at him and he slides my white night gown up. He looks at my stomach, then looks at my underwear.

"Are you on your period?", he asks.

"No. Why?", I ask.

"You have blood on your underwear.", he says.

I look at it and see small spots. It's kinda different. It's pink and brown. I sigh.

"I've missed it for a few days but this isn't period blood.", I say. "Goddamn."

"Wait isn't it...?", he asks smiling.

"I don't know.", I say.

He jumps.

"I'll order a pregnancy test from the pharmacy!", he says excited.

"Wait. It's 2 am.", I say.

"The pharmacy is open 24/7.", he says.

"Don't get your hopes up. I might be not pregnant.", I say.

He doesn't listen to me but calls the pharmacy and orders the pregnancy tests. I go to our ensuite and change my underwear. I put a maxi pad and get out. I see Michael holding a pregnancy test in his hand.

"Wait! How did he get it so quickly?", I ask.

He shrugs and laughs softly. I get the test and go to the bathroom. I do my business and go back to Michael who is so excited. We wait for a bit.


It says.

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