The Moonwalk

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Me, Michael, Tyler and Sophie had planned that we'll be clubbing today. Michael had picked me up from college and we're not in our room deciding what we'll wear. After one hour of deciding I wear a black off-shoulder long sleeved crop top, a black miniskirt and black gladiator heels. I wear a black choker and gold drop earrings. I let my hair down and look at Michael. He's in a black button up shirt, black pants, black ankle boots and a black blazer with his hair down. I make smoky eyes and bold lips then spray perfume. Michael also sprays perfume.

"Do I look good?", he asks.

"Yes, love.", I say and kiss his cheek.

"I think it's too formal for a club.", he says.

"Can I do something?", I ask.

"Sure.", he says.

I give him a soft kiss on the lips and unbutton a few buttons of his shirt.

"Here you go.", I say.

He looks at himself in the mirror.

"Thank you.", he says.

I kiss his and he kisses me back.

"Well, let's go.", I say.

We go to Michael's car. He drives us to the club where we decided to meet Sophie and Tyler. We see them by the door. We go to them.

"Hey, girl!", I say and hug Sophie.

Michael hugs Tyler and hugs Sophie. I also hug Tyler. We all look so nice. Sophie is in a white bustier, white wide leg pants and white gold heels with her hair tied in a high ponytail. Tyler is in a white v-neck t-shirt, gray jeans, gray Oxford shoes and a gray blazer.

"Hey, why don't we all take a selfie?", Michael asks.

He gets his phone out of his pocket. We all make silly faces and take selfies.

"I'll Instagram it.", he says.

"Tag us!", Sophie says.

He posts it and tags us. We enter the club. We've decided that every couple will pay a round. First we get Margaritas.

"Cheers!", we say and hit the cups together.

"Well, I would like to say something.", Tyler says.

We look at him. He clears his throat.

"Sophie Gillian Lopez, will you be my girl?", he asks and gets a box out of his pocket.

Sophie's jaw drops. He opens the box and it has a necklace shaped as a sun. She reads the text on the box out loud.

"Good vibes only. Make a wish and put your necklace, everyday has something to celebrate. Wear your necklace as a reminder to smile, stay positive, and let the sunshine in.", she reads.

"Awww, Tyler!", she says and hugs him.

"Well, will you be my girl?", he asks.

"Yes!", she says and kisses him.

I squeeze Michael's hand feeling shy and embarrassed. Michael turns me around and kisses me passionately. He hugs me then.

"So you don't feel shy.", he whispers.

I giggle and kiss his cheek. We pull off. Tyler and Sophie are still making out.

"I'll get us more drinks.", Michael says.

He gets us Pina Coladas and we start to dance. We do hip rolls together. (Very sexual move lol!). I spin down sweep.

"Ooh, you wanna compete me?", he asks.

"Show me.", I say and raise an eyebrow.

He does a dance move which I've never seen. He moves his lower body back and his upper body front.

"Whoa!", I say.

"That's the moonwalk.", he says.

"You need to teach it to me.", I say.

"Look, you put a foot up and slide the other one. Then vice versa.", he says.

I try to do it but it's just not as good as Michael's.

"Look you need to use your whole body. Do it with power.", he says. "That's what creates the illusion."

I do it like he said and I'm starting to get it right. Sophie and Tyler finish their make out session and come to us. We keep dancing together and drinking. We're now very drunk. The club is now closing. We lean over each other while we walk to our cars. We say our goodbyes and get in our cars. Michael manages to drive us home peacefully. I call Sophie to make sure that they're home. They arrived home safely. Michael helps me upstairs. I feel like I wanna vomit. I go to our ensuite and lock the door. I start vomiting and cough like crazy. I feel so sick. I see the door opened quietly. Michael runs to me and rubs my back holding my hair back. I stop and flush the toilet. I wash my mouth to not smell like vomit. I'm embarrassed.

"How did you open the door?", I ask.

"You can simply open a locked door with a coin.", he says and laughs softly.

I laugh and facepalm myself. I feel myself fall on the floor. Just as my head is about to hit the floor, Michael holds me. He carries me bridal style and puts me on the bed gently. I moan and he covers me. He kisses my forehead and gets next to me. I fall asleep.

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