You're Not Okay

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My alarm rings. It's Thursday. I'm in a good mood. I wake up and rub my eyes. I take a quick shower and wear a red oversized sweatshirt, blue tight ripped jeans and white Nike sneakers. I apply light makeup and grab my backpack. I'm extra early today because I'm searching for a book and I hope I'll find it in the school library. Nobody's awake in my house now. Christopher is waiting for me outside.

"Good morning, Miss Garcia.", he says.

"Good morning, Christopher.", I say.

"When do you want to get picked up today?", he asks.

"I guess you don't need to pick me up today. I'll hang out with my friends.", I answer.

"Okay. If you change your mind you can call me or text me.", he says.

"Thanks.", I say.

"You're welcome.", he says.

We arrive at school and I get out. I go to the library and head to the Shakespeare section. I'm searching for the book. I find it. It's 'Hamlet'. I take it and read the back of it while I'm walking to a table. Ouch! I bump onto somebody.

"Sorry.", I hear a familiar voice saying.

"I'm sorry too.", I say and look up. It's Michael. "Michael, sorry I didn't see you."

"It's okay. You're way too small.", he says and laughs.

"Are you feeling better?", I ask.

"Yeah. Thanks. All the credit goes to you.", he says.

I blush and laugh softly.

"I wanna ask you if you still wanna hang out with me today.", he says.

"Yes. Of course, if you still want to.", I say.

"Of course I want to. After school we can go have lunch together somewhere.", he says.

"Okay. Are you reading 'Romeo And Juliet'?", I ask.

He hides the book and blushes.

"Don't be so embarrassed. I'm reading 'Hamlet'", I say and giggle.

"Nice choice.", he says.

"Thanks. Do you like romantic books?", I ask.

"Uhm.. Yeah..", he says and blushes.

"Let's go sit somewhere.", I say.

We both sit next to each other and read our books.

The bell rings and we run to our class. We have geography. I sit next to Sophie and Michael sits next to Tyler right behind me.

"Good morning.", Mrs Perez our geography teacher says.

She explains our topic and I'm taking notes. I'm thirsty so I get my water bottle from my backpack. The bottle is so full. Accidentally some drops fall on my pants. I get tissues and dry it.

"Haha! You need to change your dia-dee?", Tyler says and laughs.

"Shut the fuck up!", Michael shouts and whispers at the same time.

I point at Tyler with my middle finger.

Thank goodness Mrs Perez didn't see us.

We finish the class and I go out with Sophie.

"Can I just have a small talk with Joyce?", I hear Michael asking Sophie.

"Yeah. Of course.", she says.

I go a few meters away with Michael.

"I'm sorry, Joyce.", Michael says.

"It's okay. He better keep his tongue in his mouth.", I say.

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