The Argument

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I've been engaged to Michael for a couple of months now. He's lately always in meetings and I barely see him. It's now at night and Michael isn't here. I wear a purple night gown and jump in the bed. I hear the bedroom door getting opened. Michael comes in looking exhausted and tired. I get up but he doesn't say anything.

"Are you alright?", I ask.

"I'm very tired.", he says. "I've had four meeting today."

"I can tell because I didn't see you for the last three weeks.", I say.

"Joyce, are you planning to argue or what?", he asks.

"No, Michael. You're always at work and I don't feel that you care about me anymore.", I say.

"No, it's not like that. It's my job.", he says.

"I know that, Michael. But I only see you at midnight and I don't even talk to you because you're always exhausted.", I say.

"Well, I am exhausted right now and I want to sleep.", he yells.

"No, Michael! I'm talking with you and now pay me some damn respect!", I yell.

"Well, what do you wanna say then?", he yells.

"I wanna say that I'm sick of your fucking attitude. You've really changed. You're not the Michael I used to know who used to always spend time with me. Now you're just a goddamn selfish jerk!", I yell.

"I am not a selfish jerk! You are selfish for not understanding that it's work and I don't handle it. It's shit.", he yells.

"Oh, I am selfish. Thank you.", I say and hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so exhausted. I didn't mean to say it. You're not selfish or-", he says.

"Save it.", I cut him off.

I run to the walk-in-closet and wear a white t-shirt, light wide jeans, red heels and a jean denim jacket.

"Joyce, where are you going?", he asks.

"That's none of your business.", I say.

"No, it's my business!", he yells.

"You don't even give a fuck!", I yell.

"I do care.", he says.

"No, you don't!", I yell. "Farewell."

I run to the front door and Michael runs after me. He grabs my wrist roughy and I gasp.

"You are not leaving the house at midnight.", he says.

"I don't wanna be here. I'm sick of this bullshit.", I say.

"Well, sorry but you have to cope with this bullshit until the morning.", he says.

"I'll go to the bathroom.", I say quietly.

I go to our ensuite and lock the door. I sit on the floor against the door and start crying. How could he yell at me?! I thought he wanted to stay with me. Is he just avoiding me?! He doesn't even care. I get up and wash my face. I sneak in our closet and wear a purple night gown. I find Michael sitting on the chair next to the bed. He looks at me and looks away again. I sit in my side of the bed and get a book out of my drawer. I read and look with the side of my eye at Michael. He goes to the closet and comes back only in sweatpants. He sits on the other side of the bed and looks at me. I look at him but he looks away. I put my book back in the drawer and close the lights. I get in the bed and lay down giving my back to Michael. He also lays down giving his back to me. I keep thinking of what happened till I fall asleep.

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