The Painting

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"What should I wear?", Michael asks walking in the closet (😏)

"Something casual.", I say.

"I haven't been to a boys' night before.", he says.

"I also haven't been in a girls' night before.", I say.

"Why?", he asks.

"It's not my type. I don't wanna be with a bunch of silly girls all night.", I say and roll my eyes.

"I actually like it that you're not a girly girl.", he says.

"Really?!", I ask. "Most of the people think I'm gay."

"At least I have a proof that you're not gay.", he says smirking.

"Well, what are you gonna wear?", I ask.

"I asked you first.", he says giggling.

"Maybe the black t-shirt, the black pants and white sneakers?", I ask.

"Good idea. I'll put 'em on.", he says.

He takes his clothes off and puts the new outfit on.

"You look... hot.", I say.

"Mmmh.", he hums and smirks.

"Have fun, honey.", I say and peck his cheek.

"I'm sorry for leaving.", he says and hugs me.

"It's okay. But if you don't have fun you will BE sorry.", I say and we both laugh.

"Okay, I'll send you pictures, babygirl.", he says and kisses me softly.

"Okay. Goodbye!", I say.

"Bye bye!", he says.

And we walk together downstairs to the front door. He kisses my goodbye and leaves.

Ugh! He left. What should I do? I'll be so bored without him. But he should still have fun with his other friends. I don't have any homework or anything to study for. Maybe I should make a surprise for him? I can wear a costume for him or something. Uhhh, no that's so clingy. Maybe I should draw a cool painting for him. He brought me all the stuff I like and I need here. So why not paint a cool picture and put it on his nightstand with a cute letter. Okay.

Babygirl, I have arrived 😘😘
He texts me and sends me a selfie with Tyler sticking their tongues out.

Have fun, honey ♥️♥️♥️
I text.

I go to the storage and find my painting stuff. I get the canvas, the stand, brushes and acrylic colors. I put them in the garden and start to paint him with a microphone in his hand rapping. It looks so good. I sign it and put it on his nightstand. I get a piece of paper and start to write:

Michael Joseph Jackson, I love you so much. I could do anything to make you happy. I want you to always read this letter and look at this rapper painted by the genius (lol) whenever you wanna see me but you're not able to. I really missed you this evening so badly. I just wanna tell you how I love you and I know you love me as much. But I still love you more ;)


Your babygirl ;)

I hear somebody open the door.

"Baby, I'm here!", he yells.

I run downstairs and hug him. He hugs me back so tightly.

"Mmmh, I missed you.", he says not breaking the hug.

"Me too, honey. Did you have fun?", I ask.

"Yes, very much.", he says. "I just really missed you so badly."

"Me more.", I say and hug him tighter.

"What did you do, babygirl?", he asks.

"You'll see.", I say smirking and pull off kissing him.

He breaks the kiss.

"What did you do?", he asks.

"I said you'll see.", I say.

"I'll look!", he says and runs upstairs to the room grabbing my hand.

He sees the painting and the letter on his nightstand.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful. Thank you.", he says and hugs me.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you too, baby.", he says. "Wait, there's a letter."

He opens the letter and reads it smiling. He throws me on the bed and kisses me roughly.

"It's your third time already. Don't tell me to take it easy. I wanna make love to you.", he says.

"Whatever you want, honey.", I say.

He puts my hands behind my head so I can't push him away. He takes the bow from the letter and ties my hands. I gasp. He goes down and starts kissing, sucking and licking my punani. I start to moan like crazy. That's the first time for me to have oral sex.

"Ahhh, Michael!", I moan.

He starts to do it harder and rougher. Then he takes his boxers off, he gets on top of me and pushes himself inside me. I start to moan louder and louder. He first thrusts slowly but then he gets so turned on and goes faster and faster. Then he flips us so I'm now on top of him.

"Ride it!", he demands with a deep and sexy voice.

I ride his massive dick and keep bouncing on it. He looks at me with a sexy look.

"Doggystyle!", he demands and claps his hands.

I sit doggystyle and he comes right behind me. He inserts his manhood right in my anus and bites my ear. He thrusts so fast and slaps my bum. I wince in pain. He notices that. Then he comes next to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry, babygirl.", he says. "You really turn me on."

"It's okay.", I say.

"Well, I didn't go so rough on you.", he says and giggles.

"How's rough then?", I ask and smirk.

"I'll show you next Saturday. Good night.", he says and kisses me.

"Good night, honey.", I say and lay down his chest.

Damn he's panting light crazy. He never panted like this before.

"I love you, babygirl.", he says and kisses my head.

"I love you, too.", I say and get closer to him.

He keeps kissing my head till I fall asleep on his chest in his arms.

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