Stay Away From Him

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"Honey, are you okay?", he asks with a worried voice.

"Yes, I just need you.", I say and start sobbing.

"I'll pick you up. I'll be there in 10.", he says.

"Thanks.", I say.

"Goodbye, Joyce.", he says and we hang up.

10 minutes later...

Yo! I'm outside ur house.
Michael texts.

I go outside and see him. I immediately hug him tightly.

"Girl, let's go home.", he says and grabs my waist.

We walk off and head to his place. We arrive there. Of course he takes his hoodie off. We sit on the couch. I rest my head on Michael's shoulder and he runs his hand through my hair.

"What happened?", he asks.

"Promise don't tell anybody.", I say.

"I promise.", he says.

"Well, these annoying friends of my dad came. One of them had a son named Mason. Of course they sent both of us to my room so they can talk about their 'grown up stuff'. We went there. We were talking. And suddenly he leaned over to kiss me but I freaked out.", I say.

Michael looks so angry. Is he jealous?! Yeah! He looks so jealous.

"I annoyed the crap out of you. Didn't I?", I ask.

"No, honey. Don't say that. It's just this Mason is so pushy. He has NOT the right to kiss you unless you fully agree and you don't feel pressured to do it.", he says.

"I felt so guilty.", I say and sigh.

"Why?", he asks.

"I felt like I cheated on somebody.", I say and look away.

"No, you didn't. And who is this super fucking lucky person?", he asks.

"Never mind.", I say. "I need you, Michael."

I start sobbing in my hands but suddenly I feel myself in Michael arms. He keeps kissing my head.

"Joyce, you're so loyal. You'll never cheat on anybody. Okay?", he says.

"You always make me feel better, man.", I say.

"You shouldn't always worry about people.", he says.

I sigh and shake my head.

"By the way, I'm kinda with somebody.", he says.

Whoa?! Did he forget about me so fast?! This whore should be away soon. I still don't want him to be heartbroken. Well, I'll admit I have feelings for him.

"What? Where? Who? When?", I ask.

"What?: Somebody. Where?: In Starbucks. Who?: Her name is Grace Torres. When?: Yesterday.", he said and giggles.

"Dude, you should tell me about EVERYTHING that happened.", I say.

He lays on my lap and looks in to my eyes. I play with his hair.

"Well, yesterday, I was at Starbucks.", he says.

"Without me, in my favorite café.", I tease him.

"You know when the guy asks for your name and writes it on the cup and stuff. I got a cup which was written on 'Grace'. And she found the cup with 'Michael'. So I gave it to her and we talked for a bit. I got her number. I guess I'mma ask her out.", he says.

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