The Rap

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Next Monday...

We're going to the camp now. We get in the bus.

"Amelia Harris!", Mr Martin checks.

"Yep!", she says.

"Charlotte Sanchez!", Mr Martin checks.

"Yes, Mr Martin.", he says.

"Elijah Clark!", Mr Martin checks.

"Yeah.", she says.

"Elizabeth Ramirez!", he checks.

"Yep!", she says. 

"Emily Lewis!", he checks.

"Yeah.", she says.

"Jacob Robinson!", he checks.

"Yes.", he says.

"James Walker!", he checks.

"Yes, Mr Martin.", he says.

"Joyce Garcia!", he checks.

"Yep!", I say.

"Michael Jackson!", he checks.

There's no response. Woohoo!! Michael isn't coming!! What the f...?! He's getting on the bus! And what the...?! He's sitting next to me?!

"They asked about you.", I whisper.

"I'm here.", he says loudly.

"Olivia Young!", Mr Martin checks.

"Yes.", she says.

"Sebastian Allen!", Mr Martin checks

"I'm here.", he says.

"We're all here. I would like to welcome Mr Wright. He's also a rapping teacher from another school and would like to see what we're gonna do.", Mr Martin says.

"Hi, Mr King.", we say.

"Hello.", he says. "I'm glad I'm coming with you."

He looks at me and winks. Michael looks angry and grabs my arm.

"Ouch. Leave me!", I whisper but yell at the same time.

"He's fucking flirting with you!", he whispers.

"You have nothing to do with it. Do you think you're my boyfriend?", I say.

"I WAS!", he says.

"In the past. I'm sorry, truth hurts.", I say and roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry.", he says and rolls his eyes.

"You should be.", I say.

2 hours later...
We arrive at the camping place.

"You'll be divided in to two rooms. One group is with me and the other is with Mr King. Amelia, Charlotte, Elijah, Elizabeth, Emily and Jacob will be with me in the room. The rest is with Mr King.", he says.

Day 1:
We all enter the rooms. There are three bunk beds. I always like to sleep in the bottom bed. So I put my baggage next to a bed at the bottom. I see Michael putting his baggage right next to mine.

"I'm sorry, but I'm already in this bed.", I say.

"Well, I'm actually sleeping in the upper one.", he says.

I nod.

"You have 30 minutes to change your clothes. Please wear comfortable clothes. It will be a long day.", Mr King says.

We nod. The bathroom has many cabins. I get some clothes and go to one of them. I wear a white long sleeved v-neck t-shirt, gray leggings and white sneakers. I get out and go to the meeting hall. Charlotte, Olivia and Sebastian are sitting there. I sit next to Olivia. She's actually very nice. Elijah and Michael walk in together and sit next to each other. The rest of the students walk in and Mr Martin and Mr King walk in. It's the first time for me to see a teacher in sweatpants.

"So today we'll be doing some interesting stuff.", Mr Martin says.

"You have to write a super short, sick rap song and perform it by tonight.", Mr King says.

Emily raises her hand.

"Yes.. umm...?", Mr King asks.

"Emily, Emily Lewis.", she says.

"Yes, Emily.", he says.

"About what should we write these rap songs?", she asks.

"That's what we were about to say.", Mr Martin says.

"Well, you should rap about somebody who made you sad or mad.", Mr King says.

Do not say the person's name!
Reach deep inside of you!
You're allowed to use explicit language.
Use any application to create the beat!
Have fun!!!
Mr Martin writes on the board.

"You have time till 6 pm.", Mr King says.

He gives us sheets and pencils. I sit in a corner all alone and start writing. I'mma write about Michael! I start writing the song. It's taking too much.

5 hours later...

"Who would like to perform first?", Mr Martin asks.

"Okay, so nobody's raising their hands. Joyce, you can go.", Mr King says and winks at me biting his lip.

I nod and get my sheet and turn the speakers on. I created a heavy beat.

"🎶I remember the teachers said don't use the name. You know yourself! You're the one I blame! You kept playing this game, with my feelings! Now you know what I'm meaning? Do not act jealous! You left me when I needed you! You remember that! Don't you? I hate you! I-H-A-T-E-Y-O-U! Fuck you! You're a dick! And I will kick, your ass! You won't be able to take my sass! Remember when Mom said you got the explanation? Tell me! Why did you left me for? Why didn't you stop me from slamming the door? I yelled at you like crazy! You left my throat so sore! I'm trynna convince myself that I hate you! But how do I still fucking love you? Ugh! I'm just a crazy girl. 🎶", I rap.

"Wow, that was great!", Mr King says and claps.

Michael looks at me with teary eyes. I roll my eyes. Mr King notices that and shoots a dirty look at Michael. I don't know why Mr King did that! It's absolutely none of his business. Everybody raps. I know who Michael rapper about. This was Penelope. I honestly can't believe he didn't rap about me. Well, I didn't do anything, compared to what he did to me!

"It's almost midnight now. You gotta go to sleep. We're gonna wake up at 8 tomorrow.", Mr Martin says.

We all go to our rooms. Michael keeps looking at me. I don't really know what this look means. He looks apologizing but still so mad. Well, it don't matter to me. I go to one of the bathroom cabins and wear a pink turtleneck sweatshirt and pink leggings.

"Good night, everybody.", Mr King says.

"Good night.", we say.

I go to my bed. I think I just overdid the rap about Michael. I shouldn't have blamed him so badly. He's still so guilty!

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