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"Good morning, babygirl.", I hear Michael say waking me up.

I moan feeling sick. I run to the bathroom and vomit. I wish Michael doesn't come. Of course he comes and holds my hair back. He rubs my back while I keep vomiting like crazy. I flush the toilet and wash my mouth. Michael must be disgusted at me. I keep panting feeling so tired and exhausted. Michael gets closer to me and hugs me.

"I'm sorry.", I say panting.

"Shh. It's alright.", he says. "I'll cancel the appointment with the family. You can't go out like this."

"No, no. We're going. I'm alright.", I say.

"You need to rest. Seriously.", he says.

"Come on!", I say.

He exhales and I run back to the toilet and vomit again. He holds my hair back and rubs my back. I keep vomiting and wash my mouth then. I keep panting and feel so dizzy. Michael notices that and carries me bridal style and puts me on the bed. I hold his hand and look at him.

"I'm sorry. I'm such a pain in the ass.", I say.

"You are for keeping apologizing.", he says.

I pull him closer to me and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses me. I don't know if I taste like vomit. I guess so though. He keeps hugging me while I'm panting. He gets his phone and calls somebody.

"Oye, Mary.. How are you?.. And how's James?.. Lo siento, Joyce is feeling a bit unwell so we couldn't come today.. She'll be alright.. No, no, thanks. You don't need to come.. Yeah, I'll tell Mother.. Thank you and sorry again.. I love you more, sweetheart.. Adiós, Momma.", I hear him say and hang up.

"Mike! I told you not to!", I say and sigh.

"Either you wanna go or not, you can't go.", he says.

I sigh. He calls somebody else.

"Hi, Mother.. How are you doing?.. How's everybody?.. I'm sorry but we can't come today.. Joyce is feeling a bit unwell.. She's alright.. She'll be okay. Don't worry.. Thanks, Janet shouldn't come.. Goodbye. I love you.", he says and hangs up.

"I'm sorry for ruining our plans.", I say.

"It's okay. I love being with you.", he says.

"Can I have some more sleep please?", I ask.

"Yeah. You need to.", he says.

"Can you please put me to sleep?", I ask.

"I was actually going to.", he says and giggles.

He sits next to me and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest.

"Baby.", he calls.

"Mmh.", I hum.

"I have written a song for you. It's called 'Speechless'. I wanna sing it to you.", he says.

I smile and look up to him.

"Please sing it.", I say smiling.

"Your love is magical
That's how I feel
But I have not the words here to explain
Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
But there are worlds and worlds here to explain
To tell you how I feel

But I am speechless
That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you
I am far away
And nothing is for real
When I'm with you
I am lost for words
I don't know what to say
My head's spinning like a carousel
So silently I pray

Helpless and hopeless
That's how I feel inside
Nothing's real
But all is possible
If God is on my side
When I'm with you
I am in the light
Where I cannot be found
It's as though I'm standing in
The place called Hallowed Ground

That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you
I am far away
And nothing is for real
I'll go anywhere and do anything
Just can you touch your face
There's no mountain high
I cannot climb
I'm humbled in your grace

That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you
I'm lost for words
And nothing is for real

That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you
I am lost words
And nothing is for real

That's how you make me feel
Though I'm with you
I am lost words
And nothing is for real


Your love is magical
That's how I feel
But I'm your presence I'm lost for words
Words like
Like 'I love you.'", he sings.

I cry and hug him tightly.

"Michael that's... amazing. I love you too.", I say.

"I actually wanted to sing it in my wedding speech but I was too shy.", he says and chuckles.

"Do I taste like vomit?", I ask.

"No. You taste like mint.", he says and chuckles.

I put mint lip balm. That's why I guess.

"Well, good!", I say.

I French kiss him and he French kisses me back. We keep kissing for a while while his hands trace all over my body. My hands are now on his neck. We pull off and I rest my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. He covers us and keeps playing with my hair till I fall asleep in his arms.

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