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I wake up and see Michael still sleeping next to me. I really wanna wake him up. First I do morning hygiene then I go back to bed. I sit on top of him and start kissing him all over his face. He smiles still closing his eyes. He opens his eyes and opens his arms. I jump in his arms and he hugs me tightly.

"Good morning, babygirl.", he says.

"Good morning, Applehead.", I say.

He sits on the bed and I'm still sitting in his lap facing him. He pulls me closer to him hugging me. I peck his lips multiple times and he also does that at the same time.

"Get ready! We're going shopping.", I say.

"Okay.", he says.

He gets up and goes to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I walk in the closet (lol) and wear a brown oversized turtleneck sweater, black denim pants and white sneakers. Michael also walks in the closet while I walk to the dressing table, applying light makeup and perfume. He walks out, wearing a beige oversized sweater, black pants and white sneakers with his hair tied in a ponytail.

"Looking beautiful.", Michael says and bites his lip.

"You look handsome.", I say.

He gets closer to me and kisses forehead. I hug him resting my head on his chest. He hugs me back, strangely. He's rubbing me. That's strange but I'm alright with it. I peck his cheek and he carries me. He runs downstairs. We have breakfast and he drives us to the mall. I buy three swimsuits and he buys shorts and t-shirts. We go back home. I sit on the couch.

"Ouch.", I mumble.

"Babygirl, what's going on?", he asks.

"Nothing. I'm okay.", I say.

He sits next to me and unwraps the bandage. My foot is all red.

"Oh my god, Joyce. I'm sorry.", he says and kisses my hand.

"It's okay. I'm fine.", I say.

"No, Joyce. I'll get you ice.", he says.

He runs to the freezer and gets ice cubes. He puts it in my leg and I suck my teeth in pain. I actually like cold  so the ice doesn't bother me. I let out a moan in pain. He rubs the ice cube gently on my foot. I rest my head on his chest while he's doing that. He keeps doing that till the ice cube melts.

"Are you feeling any better?", he asks.

"Yeah, thanks.", I say.

He kisses my hand and hugs me. I hug him back tightly. He carries me bridal style and runs upstairs to the bedroom. He sits me on a chair in the closet and walks out. I try taking my pants off but my leg just hurts so badly.

"Mike!", I yell.

He runs to me worried in his boxers. I giggle and he realizes that he's still in his boxers. He looks embarrassed and runs back to the room. He wears white sweatpants and runs back in.

"Can you please help me take my pants off?", I ask shyly.

"Sure.", he says. "May I?"

I nod. He unbuttons my pants and unzips it. He takes it off and helps me wear purple track shorts.

"You can wear the t-shirt. Can't you?", he asks.

"Yeah. Thanks, Michael.", I say.

"No need.", he says and kisses my forehead.

He runs back to the bedroom. I take my sweater off and wear a pink oversized t-shirt. I jump on one foot to the bed and sit on it. He helps me do night hygiene and he also does. We lay on the bed next to each other. We keep watching random TV shows.

"I can't believe it's already 3 am. Time for your injection, sweetheart.", he says.

I frown. He gets the injection. Then he gets wet wipes and cleans my arm. He rubs it with his thumb and sticks the needle in it. I suck my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. The needle gets deeper.

"Ahh.", I moan.

"I'm sorry.", he says.

He sticks the needle out and rubs my arm with his thumb again. He puts a plaster and lays back in the bed.

"Thanks.", I say.

"No need.", he says and pecks my lips.

I rest my head on his chest looking in to his eyes. He tucks some of my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead. He wraps his arm around me pulling me in him. I rest in there feeling safe. I close my eyes and wrap my arm around his waist and fall asleep feeling safe.

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