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I walk in to the house and I find my mother sitting at the kitchen table.

"Joyce.", she says.

"Yeah.", I say.

"You're grounded.", she says.

"Pardon?", I ask frustrated.

"Go to your room.... NOW!", she yells.

I got I my room, put some clothes, school stuff and things I usually use in a bag and sneak out of the house.

I call Sophie.

"Hello?", she says.

"Sophie, where are you?", I ask.

"I'm at home.", she says.

"Can I please sleepover at yours?", I ask.

"Sure. Is there something wrong?", she asks.

"We'll talk about it later.", I say. "Thanks."

I walk to Sophie's and ring the doorbell.

"Come in!", Sophie says.

I go in and put my bag on a table.

"What's going on?", she asks.

"I'm arguing with Mom and she said that I'm grounded so I snuck out of the house.", I say casually.

"About what?", she asks.

"Same topic.", I say. She already knows about that.

"You need some sleep.", she says and we go to her room upstairs.

I wear a beige oversized t-shirt and tight white shorts.

"Good night.", she says and turns the lights off.

"Good night.", I say and sleep next to her on her bed.

In the morning..

"Joycceee!!!!! Sleepyheadddddd!!!!!", I hear Sophie yelling and sitting on me.

"What the hell?", I say.

"You should prepare yourself. We have fucking school.", she says.

I frown and get up.

"I'mma take a shower.", I say.

"Kay! I'm gonna take a shower in my parents' bedroom.", she says.

"Okay.", I say.

I take a quick shower then I wear a white crop top, black sweatpants, white sneakers and a jean jacket. I apply some light makeup and spray perfume.

Sophie knocks on the door and opens it.

"Let's go.", she says.

I grab my backpack and we walk to school together. Her house is closer to our school than mine.

I can see my mother tried to call me 16 times and my father 11 times.

We arrive at school. We're done now with our lessons now. Michael hasn't talked to me. Maybe he's sad because we kissed. Ugh! It was his choice though. I really wanna go home and drift off but I have a club.

"Do you wanna have the house keys so when you're done with the club you can easily come?", Sophie asks.

"No, thanks. I'm going back home.", I say.

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