Bad News

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I wake up peacefully seeing Michael sleeping next to me. We're both naked. I don't wake him up since he's already tired from what's been happening yesterday. *smirks*. I do morning hygiene and almost get the urge to wake him up. I just get close to him and kiss him on the cheek. I rest my head on his chest and wrap an arm around his waist. He's still snoring quietly. I stroke through his hair and kiss his forehead.

"I love you.", I whisper.

He swallows and turns his body. We always fidget while sleeping. His body is now facing me.

"Michael.", I whisper.

No response..

"Love.", I whisper softly.

He groans and opens one eye. He looks at me and smiles.

"Good morning, my baby.", he says half asleep.

"Good morning, my love.", I say and kiss him.

My phone rings. Weird. Harper is ringing.

"I'm worried. Harper is calling. She never calls me.", I say.

I answer.

"Joyce! I need you! Mom, she's dying in the hospital! She got a cardiac arrest", she says crying.

"Oh my god. I'm in Maldives. I'm coming now. I'll send Samuel to you till I come.", I say and try not to cry. "Linda will be okay."

Michael looks at me worried.

"Goodbye. Take care, Harper.", I say and hang up.

I jump in Michael's arms and cry.

"Baby, what happened?", he asks.

"Linda is dying in the hospital.", I say sniffling.

"What happened?!", he asks.

"She got a cardiac arrest.", I say and cry even harder.

"I'll book a flight for us.", he says.

"I can just book a flight for myself and you can just have-", I start.

"No. I'm coming. I'm part of the family, Joyce.", he says.

"Thank you and sorry.", I say.

"Shh.", he says.

I get my phone and quickly call Samuel.

"Yo, Sam. Can you please go to Harper? Linda got a cardiac arrest and she's in the hospital.", I say.

"K. I'll be there in 10.", he says and hangs up.

I chose Samuel because he's the oldest man first and second because he's the most one who can handle this situation. I'm sure he'll call Jack and Thomas. I run to the bathroom and wear a white cropped tank top, light wide jeans and white sneakers. Michael is dressed in a purple button up shirt, tucked in black pants and black loafers. His hair is tied in a ponytail. I just fix my hair. I don't give a damn about makeup now. I spray some perfume. Me and Michael pack our bags quickly. I grab a pink crossbody bag and we run. We check out the hotel and get a limo to the airport. I open my chat with Christopher.

Hey, Mr Campbell! Pick me up tomorrow from the LA airport. Sorry, emergency!

I type.

I can't believe I called him by his last name. Maybe I'm just too stressed. We wait for our flight while I'm just fidgeting in stress. I can't even call Harper because I don't have a SIM card for Maldives. I try to connect with the airport WiFi but it's so bad.

"Joyce. Calm down. Everything's gonna be alright.", Michael says and caresses my arm.

"I'm scared.", I say quietly.

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