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Fourteen years later...

I'm now 38 years old. Michael is 40 years old. He still looks so handsome. We have our children who are now already teenagers, Ruby and Jack. Ruby is a Daddy's girl and Jack is a Mommy's boy. I think I'm actually spoiling Jack too much. But he still had good manners. Well, I guess. Michael is also spoiling Ruby. I still love them both like each other. My family is my life. Well, let's talk about my daily routine. I wake up and make the breakfast and lunchboxes for the children. Michael takes them to school and picks them up after his work which is sharp when their school bell rings. In the meantime I record songs and have meetings with the producers when I need to release new albums. Ruby has her ballet classes which we drop her at and pick her up. Jack has soccer classes which we also drop him and pick him up at. I'm now totally free and I'm chilling in our bedroom. I decide to take a hot bath. I take a hot bath and then towel dry myself. I wear a black tight jumpsuit, a light denim jacket and white sneakers. I cook pasta for lunch and wait for Michael and the children to come. They're late and I'm getting worried. I call Michael but he doesn't answer. Then I call Jack but he also doesn't answer. I call Ruby but she also doesn't answer. I'm worried.


I text him. My phone beeps.

Sorry, beautiful. I had to deal with something at the children's school. I'll tell u when I get home in 5 Ig. Ily more 😘

He texts. I put my hand on my chest feeling relieved. I sit in the couch and watch TV. The door is slammed open.

"Honey, we're home!", Michael yells.

I go to them.

"Yo, Boss.", Jack says.

"Yo, Bruh!", I say and shoulder bump him.

He kisses my cheek and Michael looks mad. I hug Ruby and she hugs me back. I kiss the children and they take off their backpacks.

"Hey! Isn't there a kiss for me?!", Michael asks.

I pull him closer to me from his tie gently and kiss him sweetly.

"Hi, Handsome.", I say.

"Hey, baby.", he says and hugs me. 

I hug him back resting my head on his chest.

"Today was a tough day.", he says and sighs. "Jack is grounded."

"Dude, what did you do?!", I yell because he's at his room upstairs.

He comes downstairs.

"Jack called Savannah his classmate Atlanta.", he says and pulls a face.

I giggle but quickly hide it.

"Well, I think the Jacksons has their ways at getting girls.", I say and wink.

Michael smiles.

"What do you mean?", Jack asks.

"Your father was my worst bully.", I say making us giggle. "Come on, Applehead! You didn't get grounded when you called me a know-all ass!"

Michael laughs and shakes his head.

"Well, okay. It's just because I was like that I won't ground you. Tell the girl you love her.", Michael says.

"Okay.", Jack says smiling.

"Bruh! Give me a hug. Should I ground you again?", I ask.

He runs to me and hugs me tightly. He's already way taller than me. I rest my head on his chest. We pull off and he kisses my forehead.

"I love you, Pineapple!", he says.

"I love you more, my Jack Dawson.", I say and kiss him on the lips.

Well, he doesn't have a problem with it.

"Well, I'm actually suspended for a week.", he says.

"Get out of my dang face!", I joke and giggle. "It'll not be holiday for you though. You'll do math and science."

"Well, I deserve it.", he mumbles.

"That's my boy! Admit it when you're wrong.", I say and give him a high-five.

We all hug each other tightly and keep telling loving words to each other.

I love my life so much. I can't imagine living without Michael, Jack or Ruby. I remember I was once suicidal. Now I don't wanna die knowing I'll miss my wonderful family. I'll love them till the day I die. My life is ideal!

Hi, Moonwalkers!!
This is the end of the story. I hope you liked it. If you did please check out my other stories. We'll miss the wonderful family for sure. But they're all happy now :)

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