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2 hours later...

I wake up because I'm so worried. I keep fidgeting and try to sleep but I just can't. I feel Michael spoon me from behind. He breathes in my neck and kisses it.

"Why did you wake up, Babygirl? It's 2 am.", he says.

"I-I'm scared.", I stutter.

He turns me around so I can face him. He pulls me close to him and kisses me.

"Linda's gonna be alright.", he says softly.

"You know the fights I usually used to have with her?", I ask and cry.

"No. What?", he asks.

"I used to always fight with her because of Robert. Now if I lose her I'll just live regretting everything.", I say and cry harder.

"We can go to church tomorrow and just pray for her to be better.", he says softly.

"But Michael. You know I don't like it.", I say.

"I know, babygirl. She needs our prayers.", he says.

"I guess yes.", I say.

"I swear if the priest complains about you again, he'll get his motherfucking ass kicked.", he says.

I kiss him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back and kisses my head.

"Now have some good sleep.", he whispers.

"Mmmmh.", I hum and fall asleep.

The next day...

"Joyce, wake up!", Michael says.

I wake up and see it's 6 am.

"What the hell?! It's 6 am.", I say.

"We're going to church, silly.", he says.

"Oh yeah. Should I wear a dress or something? The priest will complain.", I say and roll my eyes.

"Wear anything appropriate for church. It shouldn't be a dress. God doesn't judge us by our clothes.", he says.

That's true. I like it when he talks that way. Well, I'm not really that religious because the priest at my church used to always complain about my clothing style. I never wear stuff showing too much skin at church. I just wear hoodies and sweatpants and these stuff because that's how I like to dress. He used to always tell me stuff like "You're not coming here to freestyle rap." or "We're not on the streets.". That's why I hated going to church. I haven't went there in almost six years. Oh! That's too long. I'm not an atheist but I'm just not religious.

"Joyce! Heaven to Joyce!", I hear Michael say.

"Huh?", I ask and snap back to reality.

"Are you okay, babygirl?", he asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll go get ready.", I say.

I go to the bathroom and do morning hygiene. I walk in my closet and wear a white oversized turtleneck pullover, black leggings, a black coat and black ankle boots. I apply light makeup and spray some perfume. I look at Michael and he looks good. He's in a black button up shirt, tucked in black pants, black loafers and a black fedora. I get close to him and kiss in his neck.

"Mmmh, you smell nice.", I say and bite my lip.

"You smell nice, too. You look beautiful.", he says.

I grab a white handbag and put red sunglasses. Michael puts on black sunglasses and we go outside. I see his car parked outside.

"Don't tell me you went to your home.", I say.

"I did.", he says and giggles.

I giggle and we enter his car. He drives us to church. We arrive there and get out of the car. I stand in front of the church and sigh.

"I-I d-don't know.", I stutter.

Michael holds my hand and squeezes it gently comforting me.

"We need god in our lives, Joyce.", he says.

I shrug and we go in. The priest glances at me and shoots a dirty look. I pull a dirty face and sit in the back next to Michael. The mass is now done. The priest walks now towards me and I nudge Michael grabbing his attention.

"Hey, Joyce. You haven't been here for six years.", he says.

"Hey. I know that information.", I say sarcastically.

Michael hides a giggle and looks at my annoyed face.

"Well, are you Joyce's husband?", he asks.

"No. I'm Michael. Her boyfriend.", he says and shakes his hand.

"Well, I'm father Mark.", he says. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too.", Michael says.

"You're here to freestyle rap in church in yoga pants?!", he asks.

"First of all. These are not yoga pants. These are leggings. Second, did God say that this is not allowed to church? Third, that's none of your holy business Mark Nicholas Carter.", I say.

"Oh. At least just teach your girlfriend what to dress for church, Michael.", he says.

"I'm sorry but I won't let you insult my girlfriend. First of all, she is not wearing anything inappropriate. Second, her style is beyond amazing. And third, there's no proper priest who judges a girl by her clothes. You are the reason why she hasn't been here in six years. She hasn't done anything wrong. Do not judge her unless you know everything about her. Understood?", he asks sternly.

"Looks like both of you are atheists.", he says.

"The only thing that's stopping me from cussing you out is that we're at church, I swear.", I say annoyed. "Ahoy! Black capped pirate!"

I smile sarcastically and raise my eyebrows.

"Well, look at this XXXL pullover. You should actually dress from the kids' section, you skinny girl.", he says.

"Father Mark, that's enough or we'll need to talk to the bishop.", Michael says.

"Joyce! How you've been?", Donald asks.

He tries to touch my arm but I indirectly pull away. Well, Donald is a friend. The whole church knows that he used to have a crush on me. I just ignored him because he's so clingy. No offense.

"Uhm, I'm Michael Joseph Jackson. Her boyfriend.", Michael says because he notices what Donald was about to do.

"Oh I'm Donald. Henry Donald Roberts. Everybody calls me by my middle name.", he says.

"Nice to meet you, Donald. Henry Donald.", he says.

"Nice to meet you too, Michael. Michael Joseph.", Donald says sarcastically.

Michael just looks at him with a blank expression while Donald is faking a laugh. I laugh because Donald is in an embarrassing situation. Michael looks at me and bites his lip hiding a smirk. My phone rings. I look at it and see Harper. I'm scared.

"Mike, it's Harper.", I say.

"Answer.", he says. 

I answer the call.

"H-Hello.", I stutter.

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