I'm Sorry

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We go out of the men's bathroom and sit on the stairs.  I look at Michael.

"You we're crying. Weren't you?", I ask.

"I don't cry.", he says.

"Well, I heard it and nobody was in the bathroom except you.", I say.

"I.. Uhh", he says and covers his face with his hands and starts crying.

Oh my god. He looks so sad! I wrap my arms around him. He cries even more.

"One second, I'll do something.", I say.

I run to the music hall and grab our backpacks.

"Mr Martin, Me and Michael won't be able to continue the lesson. I'm so sorry.", I tell Mr Martin.

"Why?", he asks and raises his eyebrow.

"He's not very well.", I answer.

"Okay. Do you need any help?", he asks.

"No thanks.", I say.

"See you on Friday.", he says.

"Goodbye.", I say and go downstairs.

Michael is still sitting on the stairs. I give him his backpack and caress his shoulder.

"What were you doing?", he asks. His voice sounds so sad.

"I got our backpacks and told Mr Martin we're not continuing this lesson.", I answer.

"Why?", he asks.

"You're not feeling well.", I say softly.

"Thanks.", he says quietly.

"No need.", I say.

"Can I hug you?", he asks softly.

I don't answer him but just wrap my arms around him hugging him. I caress his back. Omg. He's crying on my shoulder.

"Let's go.", I say and grab Michael's hand.

"Okay.", he says and gets up.

We take an Uber to Costa Coffee. We arrive there. Each of us order coffee and we sit. I'm sitting on a couch and Michael is sitting on a chair right in front of me.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?", I ask him.

"I.. Can we go somewhere less public please?", he asks.

"Where?", I ask.

"We can go to mine. If you don't mind.", he says.

"But your parents are there of course and it wouldn't be that great if I come. You know?", I say.

"No, no. They're both out of town and my siblings aren't home.", he says. 

"Okay.", I say.

"We can walk till there. It's a few blocks away.", he says.

We grab our coffees and backpacks and walk to his house. We don't say a word till we get there. We enter his house.

"You can put your backpack here.", he says and points at a small table.

"Okay, thanks.", I say and put my backpack there.

"Let's sit in the living room.", he says.

We go to the living room and sit next to each other.

"So, what's going on?", I ask.

"So umm..", he says and breaks down again.

I automatically wrap my arms around him and rub his back gently. He keeps crying on my shoulder.

"Can you tell me now?", I whisper softly.

He pulls off and clears his throat.

"Promise me not to tell anybody.", he says.

"I promise.", I say.

"I found out that Penelope was cheating on me.", he says and wipes his tears away quickly.

I caress his shoulder softly.

"She sent me a message. It was 'I really enjoyed last night with you, Oliver.' and she put a smirk emoji."he says. "When I called her she freaked out and we umm.. we", he says and tears are rolling down his cheeks.

"What?", I ask.

"We broke up.", he says.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry.", I say.

"It's not your fault.", he says softly. "And since nobody really likes me in the class except Tyler, I'm now all alone."

"No, you're not!", I say and rub his shoulder.

"Can we be friends, please?", he asks softly.

"Of course.", I say.

He wraps his arms around me hugging me so tightly.

"I wasn't expecting this answer.", he whispers and giggles.

"I'm not so evil.", I whisper and laugh softly.

"You are.", he jokes.

He pecks my cheek.

"Thank you.", he says softly.

"For what?", I ask.

"For making me feel better.", he says.

"I'm glad you do.", I say.

He hugs me even tighter and rubs my back gently.

We pull off.

"I'm sorry for always treating you badly.", he says.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too.", I say.

"I wouldn't blame you.", he says and laughs softly. "Do you wanna hang out after school tomorrow?", he asks.

"Okay.", I say. "I guess I have to go."

"Okay. Thanks for making me feel better.", he says.

We both stand up. He hugs me again tightly and keeps crying.

I peck his cheek.

"It's okay.", I keep saying and rub his back gently.

He keeps crying and sobbing.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you too.", he says and hugs me tighter.

We pull off.

"See you tomorrow.", I say and get out.

"Goodbye.", he says and waves at me.

I take an Uber home. I keep thinking about Michael. I feel so bad for him. I do my homework and fall asleep.

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