Meet My Parents?

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"Michael! Michael! Oh my god! Wake up! What happened?", I shout.

"Damn! What happened?", he yells getting up so fast.

"Nothing.", I say and laugh softly.

"I'm gonna kill you!", he says and runs after me.

I run. He keeps running after me for 15 more minutes. I'm so tired now. I keep panting.

"Damn it.", I say and keep panting.

I see Michael running towards me and carrying me towards the bedroom. He throws me on the bed. What's he gonna do? I see him pick a pillow and hit me. I get another pillow and hit him back. We have a funny pillow fight. We're both super tired now. Michael throws himself on the bed and I'm now laying next to him.

"Good morning, babe", I say and laugh.

"You're fucking with me. Aren't you?", he says and laughs.

"Yeah, kinda.", I say and giggle.

"I'll kick your ass.", he says and laughs softly. "Get on top of me.", he says.

"What?", I ask confused.

"I said GET ON TOP OF ME.", he says.

I get on top of him and he strokes my back and starts kissing me. We add our tongues and kiss passionately. I break the kiss and kiss him all over his face. I lay next to him. I rest my hand ok his chest and my head on his shoulder.

"I love you.", he says and caresses my shoulder.

"I love you, too.", I say and rub his chest gently.

"I liked to see this insane side of you.", he says and laughs.

"You were super shocked.", I say and laugh.

"What you wanna do today? It's the weekend.", he asks.

"Umm.. I don't know.", I say. "Maybe you can come to mine and meet my parents. You only meet them in parents' meeting.", I say and laugh softly.

"Won't they be mad at me because I was super annoying?", he asks and chuckles.

"Nahhh. They already know and they're okay with it. They should deal with it.", I say and laugh.

He laughs and pecks my cheek.

"I'll be more than happy.", he says smiling. "Let's just have breakfast I'm starving."

"Okay.", I say.

He grabs my hand and we go downstairs. He carries me and sits me on the the kitchen counter.

"What do you wanna eat, honey?", he asks.

"I don't know.", I say.

"Maybe pancakes?", he asks.

"Okay. I'll help you.", I say.

"Okay.", he says. "I'm a horrible cook."

"I'll cook it.", I say and peck his cheek.

I get up and cook the pancakes. He keeps standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. He keeps kissing my neck while he's looking at me while cooking.

"Mmmmh.", I moan and close my eyes.

"Am I annoying you?", he asks and rests his chin on my shoulder looking at me.

"No. Not at all.", I answer.

I'm done with the food. Michael organizes the table. He puts the plate and gets honey, jam, blueberry sauce and Hershey sauce. He pulls the chair for me and I sit. He sits then in front of me and puts some pancakes on my plate and gives it to me.

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